Mythical creature with gazelle's head, lion's body and snake's tail. Enamel...
Lion. Enameled tile and ceramic brick, from the Ishtar Gate, Ba...
An archer. Detail from the procession of archers (515 BCE), from the pala...
An archer. Detail from the procession of archers (515 BCE), from the pala...
The Adoration of the Magi, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in champl...
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The "Virgin of Jeanne d'Evreux". Detail, pedestal with translucent ename...
Saint Elisabeth of Thuringia giving to the poor. Detail from the shrine of...
Adoration of the Magi, with donor Emperor Otto IV at Christ's Baptism. Det...
Christ-King with Saints Nabur and Felix (on the gable, reverse side). De...
The Madonna with child and 4 kings: Emperor Otto IV and the 3 Magi....
King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Detail from the Verdun A...
King Charles VI adoring Virgin Mary and Child. Detail from the altar "...