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565 photos
Granary. Terracotta model.                             
Middle Kingdom (2065-1785 BCE), Egypt

Granary. Terracotta model. Middle Kingdom (2065-178...

Two boatsmen hoisting sails on a granary boat.         
Limestone relief, 5th Dynasty (25th-23rd BCE),         
Old Kingdom, Egypt.                                    
Height: 22 cm                                          
Inv. R 1218

Two boatsmen hoisting sails on a granary boat. Limestone relief, 5th Dy...

Chertihotep, estate manager.                           
Mantlestatue of crystaline sandstone                   
(18th BCE), 12th Dynasty, Egypt.                       
Inv. 15 701
#080110 6

Chertihotep, estate manager. Mantlestatue of crystali...

From the book "A Guide through the Underworld" (sequel 
to 08-01-10/48). From left to right: Man praying       
to the God Anubis; the red disk of the sun; the        
pavian-god of wisdom; man harvesting grain.            
(12th-9th BCE), New Kingdom, Egypt.

From the book "A Guide through the Underworld" (sequel to 08-01-10/48). From le...

Farmers at work, ploughing.                            
Painted relief from one of the Chapel                  
Tombs of the Nobles, Middle Kingdom                    
(2040-1785 BCE), Assuan, Egypt.

Farmers at work, ploughing. Painted relief from one...

The god Min, Egyptian ityphallic god of fertility      
and the harvest festival. He may be of African         
origin and is always shown with an erected phallus.    
13th BCE

The god Min, Egyptian ityphallic god of fertility and the harvest festival...

The Pharaoh, wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt,   
is seen walking behind a plough in a mural in one      
of the side chapels of Great Temple of Ramses III      
(12th BCE), 20th Dynasty, Late New Kingdom.            
Medinet Habu, Egypt.

The Pharaoh, wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt, is seen walking behind a...

Sickle-sword from a tomb, perhaps damaged and          
repaired or intentionally spoiled and bent for         
burial with the dead person (14th-13th BCE),           
New Kingdom, Egypt. 65 cm long                         
Inv. R.E.H. 137

Sickle-sword from a tomb, perhaps damaged and repaired or intentionall...

Men gathering figs, monkeys sit in the tree.           
Beni Hassan, tomb of Khnemhotep, No.3; period of       
Amenenmes II or Sesostris II, about 1920-1900 BCE.     
Ancient Egyptian Paintings selected,copied & described 
by Nina M.Davis,plate VII.
#080115 7

Men gathering figs, monkeys sit in the tree. Beni Hassan, tomb of Khn...

Grape harvest, pressing grapes; From the tomb of       
Petosiris, High Priest of the god Toth in Hermopolis.  
Around 300 BCE

Grape harvest, pressing grapes; From the tomb of Petosiris, High Priest o...

Pharaoh Ramses III, with the crown of Upper Egypt,     
harvesting grain, offering the harvest to the gods.    
20th dynasty.

Pharaoh Ramses III, with the crown of Upper Egypt, harvesting grain, offeri...

Elephantine Island in the Nile, opposite Assuan.       
Outer wall of the ancient nilometer constructed        
during Roman times on the site of an earlier one.

Elephantine Island in the Nile, opposite Assuan. Outer wall of the ancien...