Stone granary built during the reign of King Jerobo...
Ploughing with a horse near Bethlehem,Palestinian A. Bethlehem means "The Hou...
View from Shepherd's Field towards Bethlehem, Palestinian Authority.
Wheat field in Galilee, Israel
Flour mills from the excavations of Capernaum, Israel
Stone olive press from the excavations of Capernaum, Israel
The Plain of Emek Jesreel against the mountains of Galilee, Israel. The fe...
Spring in the Judean desert, Israel - Sheep grazing
Tel Megiddo, Israel, the legendary Armageddon of Revelations. It was a fo...
Oil press in the jewish settlement of Gamla,a town fortified by Josephus Fl...
Oil press in the jewish settlement of Gamla,a town fortified by Josephus Fl...
Oil press in the jewish settlement of Gamla,a town fortified by Josephus Fl...