Bull-shaped zoomorphic vessel served as a butter-churn. Clay, Israelite Period...
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List of proper names, among them that of a landowner. Limestone tablet with Su...
Coin with portrait of Herod Philip, Tetrarch of Galilee....
Bronze coin showing three ears of corn. Period of Herod Agrippa...
Wheat in a terra sigillata dish, from the Herodion, palac...
Fox with a basket of grapes. Mosaic (536 CE) from the...
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Ceremonial sickles made of bone; tops are carved in the form of animal he...
Model of a Jewish house of the period of the monarchy. (1000-700 BCE). Various...
Traces of Celtic fieldS in Dorset from the Pre-Roman per...
Reconstruction of a La Tene house of the 1st BCE from Roggendorf, Lower A...
Reconstruction of a La Tene house of the 1st BCE from Roggendorf, Lower A...
Reconstruction of a La Tene house of the 1st BCE from Roggendorf, Lower A...