

1 subcategory


565 photos
Bull-shaped zoomorphic vessel
served as a butter-churn.
Clay, Israelite Period
The Dayan Collection

Bull-shaped zoomorphic vessel served as a butter-churn. Clay, Israelite Period...

List of proper names, among them that of a landowner.  
Limestone tablet with Sumerian pictographic script.    
The symbol of the hand designates the proprietor.      
End 4th mill., proto-urban period,from Mesopotamia.    
Limestone, 5 x 4.2 cm - AO 19936
#080511 2

List of proper names, among them that of a landowner. Limestone tablet with Su...

Coin with portrait of Herod Philip,                    
Tetrarch of Galilee.                                   
Diameter 1.8 cm                                        
Weight 3.8128 g                                        
Reifenberg Collection

Coin with portrait of Herod Philip, Tetrarch of Galilee....

Bronze coin showing three ears of corn.                
Period of Herod Agrippa I,                             
King of Judea (42 CE).                                 
Diameter 1.7 cm, weight 2.7858 g                       
Cat. 97. Reifenberg Collection

Bronze coin showing three ears of corn. Period of Herod Agrippa...

Wheat in a terra sigillata dish,                       
from the Herodion, palace and tomb                     
of King Herod the Great, Israel

Wheat in a terra sigillata dish, from the Herodion, palac...

Fox with a basket of grapes.                           
Mosaic (536 CE) from the church of                     
Saint George on Mount Nebo, Jordan,                    
signed by Naoumas, Kyriakos, and Thomas.               
90 x 90 cm

Fox with a basket of grapes. Mosaic (536 CE) from the...

Ceremonial sickles made of bone; tops are carved       
in the form of animal heads.
#080513 2

Ceremonial sickles made of bone; tops are carved in the form of animal he...

Model of a Jewish house of the period of the monarchy. 
(1000-700 BCE). Various storage jars and oil flasks,   
hand mills for olives and grain.

Model of a Jewish house of the period of the monarchy. (1000-700 BCE). Various...

Traces of Celtic fieldS in Dorset from the                       
Pre-Roman period, Great Britain.

Traces of Celtic fieldS in Dorset from the Pre-Roman per...

Reconstruction of a La Tene house of the 1st BCE       
from Roggendorf, Lower Austria. Kitchen area: large    
fireplace with kettle, kitchen utensils, farm tools,   
a flour mill on the far right.

Reconstruction of a La Tene house of the 1st BCE from Roggendorf, Lower A...

Reconstruction of a La Tene house of the 1st BCE       
from Roggendorf, Lower Austria. Kitchen corner:        
fireplace, kettle, utensils, farm tools, on the        
right a flour mill. Close-up of 09-01-01/38.

Reconstruction of a La Tene house of the 1st BCE from Roggendorf, Lower A...

Reconstruction of a La Tene house of the 1st BCE       
from Roggendorf, Lower Austria. Kitchen area: a        
flour mill with foot-board and a long pole fixed       
to the roof, used for turning a millstone by hand.

Reconstruction of a La Tene house of the 1st BCE from Roggendorf, Lower A...