

1 subcategory


565 photos
'An Allegory of a Prosperous Germany', 1586. Seated in the centre is Pallas Athene, the Greek goddess of wisdom. She is attended by Bacchus, god of wine, and Ceres, goddess of wheat. They represent the abundance of drink and food. In the foreground are two German river gods: the Rhine on the left, the Danube on the right. Water flows from beside them, filled with eels, fish and birds.In the sky above, various figures with Latin titles represent further aspects of Germany's victorious and harmonious rule. The figure of Victory rides an eagle on the left and on the right, the figures of Religion, Prudence and Understanding, represent peace. Faith and Constancy rule in the centre, topped by Justice who is crowned by Fame. In the background are details of life and work which reflect the allegorical figures above. To the left are scenes of mining, hunting and warfare. To the right are scenes of shipping and trade, astronomy, painting, printing and building.
PD, 1949-4-11-105

'An Allegory of a Prosperous Germany', 1586. Seated in the centre is Pallas Athe...

Les glaneuses - The gleaners, before 1857.
Chalk on paper, 29,5 x 44 cm
#330111 4

Les glaneuses - The gleaners, before 1857. Chalk on paper, 29,5 x 44 cm

Nit volgen gutem ratt ( Guten Rat verschmähen). Illustration to "Das Narrenschiff" by Sebastian Brant. Published by Johann Bergmann von Olpe, Basel, 11 February 1494. Woodcut, 116 x 84mm. (fol.B6v., Chapter 10)

Nit volgen gutem ratt ( Guten Rat verschmähen). Illustration to "Das Narrenschif...

The Parable of the Sower. Illustration to Andachtsbuch mit Sonntagsevangelien - Prayer book with Sunday Gospels (Postillia). Printed by Hieronymus Höltzel (?), Nuremberg, after 1510 (?). Woodcut, around 63 x 50mm.

The Parable of the Sower. Illustration to Andachtsbuch mit Sonntagsevangelien -...

Baum im Kornfeld - Tree in a rye-field,1907            
Pencil,oil on cardboard, 30 x 35,8 cm                  
Inv. A 65/81
#391503 6

Baum im Kornfeld - Tree in a rye-field,1907 Pencil,oil on cardboard,...

Gelee blanche (Hoarfrost) 
Oil on canvas, 1873                       
65 x 93 cm                                      
R.F. 1972-27

Gelee blanche (Hoarfrost) Oil on canvas, 1873 65 x 93...

L'Arrivee des moissoneurs dans les marais Pontins, 1830.
Canvas, 141,5 x 212 cm
INV 7663

L'Arrivee des moissoneurs dans les marais Pontins, 1830. Canvas, 141,5 x 212 cm...

Ceres, goddes of agriculture.

Ceres, goddes of agriculture. Wood.

L'Automne ou les Vendanges - The autumn or the grape harvest
Around 1577
Canvas; 0,97 x 1,19m
Inv. 436
#391509 6

L'Automne ou les Vendanges - The autumn or the grape harvest Around 1577 Canva...

Time unveils Truth (she holds the sun in her hand) and puts the Lie to fight

Time unveils Truth (she holds the sun in her hand) and puts the Lie to fight Ca...

Harvest (Marta and Wanka),around 1828/29               
Canvas,82 x 61 cm                                      
#391601 6

Harvest (Marta and Wanka),around 1828/29 Canvas,82 x 61 cm...

Landschaft in Unter-St.Veit - Landscape in Unter-      
St.Veit (a district of Vienna),around 1918.            
Canvas,91 x 141 cm

Landschaft in Unter-St.Veit - Landscape in Unter- St.Veit (a district of V...