Peasants at the market. Oil on oakwood (1567)...
Farmers' Feast. Oil on oakwood (1550) 85 x 171 cm Inv. 2365
Autumn (October). Oil on canvas (1587) Size: 116 x 198 cm Cat. 386, Inv. 1069...
Autumn (October). Detail of 40-03-01/48...
#400302 2
Cows reflected in water. Oil on wood (1648)...
#400302 4
Farm. Oil on oakwood (1647)...
Summer (August). Oil on canvas (1585) Size 116 x 198 cm Cat. 385, Inv. 1060
La Kermesse, ou Noce de village - A church festival or Weding in a village. c...
The parable of the Shabat - the month of August from a series of the mon...
Ceres and the Four Elements; personages by H.van Balen. 1604....
The Hay-Cart. A Flemish proverb says:"The world is a hay-cart from which ever...
The triumph of Death, around 1562. Wood, 117 x 162 cm Inv.1393