

1 subcategory


565 photos
Peasant couple ploughing. Wallpainting in the          
vaulted tomb chamber of Sennedjem (No. 1), a           
necropolis official of the early Ramessid Period       
(18th Dynasty), in the cemetery of Deir el-Medina.
#080101 4

Peasant couple ploughing. Wallpainting in the vaulted tomb chamber of...

Peasant couple harvesting. Wallpainting in the         
vaulted tomb chamber of Sennedjem (No. 1), a           
necropolis officer of the early Ramessid Period        
(18th Dynasty), in the cemetery of Deir el-Medina.
#080101 5

Peasant couple harvesting. Wallpainting in the vaulted tomb chamber of...

Peasant couple harvesting. Wallpainting in the         
vaulted tomb chamber of Sennedjem (No. 1), a           
necropolis officer of the early Ramessid Period        
(18th Dynasty), in the cemetery of Deir el-Medina.
#080101 6

Peasant couple harvesting. Wallpainting in the vaulted tomb chamber of...

Agricultural scene. Overall view of a wallpainting in  
the tomb of Mennah, scribe of the fields and estate    
inspector under Pharaoh Thutmosis IV (18th Dynasty,    
16th-14th BCE) in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Agricultural scene. Overall view of a wallpainting in the tomb of Mennah, scri...

A servant measures a field in the presence of the      
farmer and his wife. Detail of a wallpainting in the   
tomb of Mennah, scribe of the fields and estate        
inspector under Pharaoh Thutmosis IV (18th Dynasty,    
16th-14th BCE) in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

A servant measures a field in the presence of the farmer and his wife. Det...

Oxen threshing corn. Detail of a wallpainting in the   
tomb of Mennah, scribe of the fields and estate        
inspector under Pharaoh Thutmosis IV (18th Dynasty,    
16th-14th BCE) in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Oxen threshing corn. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb of Mennah, scribe o...

Winnowing with wooden scoops. Detail of a wallpainting 
in the tomb of Mennah, scribe of the fields and estate 
inspector under Pharaoh Thutmosis IV (18th Dynasty,    
16th-14th BCE) in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Winnowing with wooden scoops. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb of Mennah, s...

Scribes with reed pens and papyrus sheets measuring    
and recording the harvest. Detail of a wallpainting    
in the tomb of Mennah, scribe of the fields and estate 
inspector under Pharaoh Thutmosis IV (18th Dynasty,    
16th-14th BCE) in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Scribes with reed pens and papyrus sheets measuring and recording the harves...

Men transporting corn. In the background slave girls   
fighting for the left-overs. Detail of a wallpainting  
in the tomb of Mennah, scribe of the fields and estate 
inspector under Pharaoh Thutmosis IV (18th Dynasty,    
16th-14th BCE) in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Men transporting corn. In the background slave girls fighting for the left-ov...

Men cutting corn with sickles. Detail of a             
wallpainting in the tomb of Mennah, scribe of          
the fields and estate inspector under Pharaoh          
Thutmosis IV (18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE),            
in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Men cutting corn with sickles. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb...

Scribes with reed pens measuring and recording the     
harvest. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb of       
Mennah, scribe of the fields and estate inspector      
under Pharaoh Thutmosis IV (18th Dynasty, 16th-        
14th BCE), in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Scribes with reed pens measuring and recording the harvest. Detail of a wal...

Scribe with reed pen box measuring grain. Detail of    
a wallpainting in the tomb of Mennah, scribe of the    
fields and estate inspector under Pharaoh Thutmosis IV 
(18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE), in the cemetery         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Scribe with reed pen box measuring grain. Detail of a wallpainting in the to...