
Politicians and Statesmen, Painters' Portraits and Self-Portraits, Scientists, Rulers, Emperors and Kings, Musicians and Composers, Writers and Poets.

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5,164 photos
An aged pharaoh (Eje?).                                
Sculpted head, half profile.                           
1335 BCE, New Kingdom,                                 
Post-Amarna Period                                     
Height: 10 cm

An aged pharaoh (Eje?). Sculpted head, half prof...

An aged pharaoh (Eje?).                                
Sculpted head, front view.                             
1335 BCE, New Kingdom,                                 
Post-Amarna Period.                                    
Height: 10 cm

An aged pharaoh (Eje?). Sculpted head, front vie...

An official seated on a chair,                         
from Amarna.                                           
1340 BCE, New Kingdom,                                 
Tutankhamun Period.                                    
Height: 18 cm

An official seated on a chair, from Amarna....

King Cheops (2545 - 2520 BCE).                         
Ivory statuette                                        
Pyramid Era, Old Kingdom, Egypt
#080103 1

King Cheops (2545 - 2520 BCE). Ivory statuette...

Anonymous couple.                                      
Wood statuette                                         
New Kingdom, Egypt                                     
N 2293
#080103 2

Anonymous couple. Wood statuette...

Memorial stone of Prince General.                      
Sebeki (about 1970 BCE). Limestone.                    
12th Dynasty, Middle Kingdom, Egypt

Memorial stone of Prince General. Sebeki (about 1970 BCE)...

Memorial stone of Prince General                       
Sebeki. Detail of 08-01-03/12                          
Limestone (about 1970 BCE)                             
Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty

Memorial stone of Prince General Sebeki. Detail of 08-01-...

Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE).                             
Black granite statue                                   
from Karnak, Egypt                                     
Height: 194 cm

Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE). Black granite statue...

Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE).                             
Head of black granite                                  
from Karnak, Egypt.                                    
Detail of 08-01-03/1                                   
Total height: 194 cm

Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE). Head of black granite...

Ka leading Sesostris I to Amon-Min, god of fertility.  
Limestone bas-relief and hieroglyphics in the White    
Chapel of Karnak, built under the Pharaoh Sesostris I  
(1970-1936 BCE).                                       
Middle Kingdom (2065-1785 BCE)

Ka leading Sesostris I to Amon-Min, god of fertility. Limestone bas-relief and...

Sheshonk I, Pharaoh Shischak of the Bible OT, holding  
Semitic prisoners by their long hair. Commemoration of 
the victory over the Israelites. Temple of Amon, Karnak
Bas-relief on the south wall, outside the hypostyle    
hall. 930 BCE, Tanite Period, Egypt.

Sheshonk I, Pharaoh Shischak of the Bible OT, holding Semitic prisoners by the...

Pharaoh Ptolemy XV,Caesarion,son of Julius Caesar
and Cleopatra,(second from right) offering incense to the goddess Hathor. Next to him is his "ka". His mother Cleopatra stands behind him, she wears an atef-crown.
On the left are the god Ihy and his mother the goddess Hathor with the sceptre "ouas".
From the surrounding wall of the Hathor Temple,Dendera.
(332-30 BCE),Ptolemaic Period.

Pharaoh Ptolemy XV,Caesarion,son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra,(second from ri...