Politicians and Statesmen, Painters' Portraits and Self-Portraits, Scientists, Rulers, Emperors and Kings, Musicians and Composers, Writers and Poets.
William H. Peck with colleague Lisa Kushman. Excavations of the Mut T...
Portrait of a Kufty (foreman of a dig). Most foremen on the exca...
Sheikh Ali. One of the discoverers (1926-1927) of the tomb...
#080107 2
Priest. Granite head, Saitic. 26th Dynasty (664-525 BC...
#080107 3
Pharaoh Apries (588-567 BCE). Head, basalt sculpture,...
#080107 4
Pharaoh Shabaka (Sebichos) (713-698 BCE). Head....
#080107 5
Head of a girl swimmer. Top of a cosmetics spoon. Wood, 18th Dynasty (1555...
#080107 6
Head of an official. Terracotta sculpture,...
Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE) as a young man. Bas-relief on a limesto...
Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE) as a young man, hunting. Limestone bas-relief, 19th Dy...
Royal profile. Fragment of a painted limestone ostracon of the Ramessid...
Servant girl. Painted wood, 18th Dynas...