
Politicians and Statesmen, Painters' Portraits and Self-Portraits, Scientists, Rulers, Emperors and Kings, Musicians and Composers, Writers and Poets.

1 subcategory


5,164 photos
William H. Peck with colleague Lisa Kushman.           
Excavations of the Mut Temple (16th-11th BCE,          
New Kingdom) in Karnak. Peck is Curator of             
Ancient Art at the Detroit Institute of Art.

William H. Peck with colleague Lisa Kushman. Excavations of the Mut T...

Portrait of a Kufty (foreman of a dig).                
Most foremen on the excavation sites                   
come from the village of Kuft on the                   
river Nile and are called Kufties.                     

Portrait of a Kufty (foreman of a dig). Most foremen on the exca...

Sheikh Ali. One of the discoverers                     
(1926-1927) of the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Sheikh Ali. One of the discoverers (1926-1927) of the tomb...

Priest. Granite head, Saitic.                          
26th Dynasty (664-525 BCE)                             
Late Period, Egypt.                                    
E 25577
#080107 2

Priest. Granite head, Saitic. 26th Dynasty (664-525 BC...

Pharaoh Apries (588-567 BCE).                          
Head, basalt sculpture,                                
26th Dynasty, Late Period, Egypt
#080107 3

Pharaoh Apries (588-567 BCE). Head, basalt sculpture,...

Pharaoh Shabaka (Sebichos)                             
(713-698 BCE). Head.                                   
25th Dynasty, Late Period.                             
AF 6639
#080107 4

Pharaoh Shabaka (Sebichos) (713-698 BCE). Head....

Head of a girl swimmer. Top of a cosmetics spoon.      
Wood, 18th Dynasty (1555-1530 BCE), New Kingdom,       
E 17 215
#080107 5

Head of a girl swimmer. Top of a cosmetics spoon. Wood, 18th Dynasty (1555...

Head of an official.                                   
Terracotta sculpture,                                  
New Kingdom (1555-1080 BCE)                            
#080107 6

Head of an official. Terracotta sculpture,...

Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE) as a young man.              
Bas-relief on a limestone stele, H:18 cm                      
19th Dynasty (1305-1196 BCE),                          
New Kingdom, Egypt.                                    
N 522

Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE) as a young man. Bas-relief on a limesto...

Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE) as a young man, hunting.
Limestone bas-relief,
19th Dynasty (1305-1196 BCE),
New Kingdom, Egypt.
N 524

Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE) as a young man, hunting. Limestone bas-relief, 19th Dy...

Royal profile. Fragment of a painted limestone         
ostracon of the Ramesside Period (16th-13th BCE),      
New Kingdom, Egypt.                                    
N 498

Royal profile. Fragment of a painted limestone ostracon of the Ramessid...

Servant girl.                                          
Painted wood, 18th Dynasty                             
(16th-14th BCE), Egypt.                                
N 1582 = E 223

Servant girl. Painted wood, 18th Dynas...