Emotions and Moods
Joy, Happiness, Fear, Anger, Hate, Fury, Murder, Love, Loneliness, Sorrow, Funerals, Courage, Madness, Insanity.
#401104 4
Allegorie dit l'Allegorie de l'eau ou l'Allegorie de l'Amour. Putti stealing Amo...
#401104 7
Allegory or the funeral of Amor. Either an allegory of the mourning of Amor whe...
Wedding anniversary plaque for King Louis XVI and Queen Marie-Antoinette, dated...
Les Licteurs rapportent a Brutus les corps de ses fils - The lictors bring Brut...
Danae, looking at herself in a mirror held by Cupi...
L'Empire de Flore - Flora's Realm, 1631 Three gods - Flora, Apo...
Pan and Syrinx: Syrinx Oil on canvas (1637-1638...
Apollo and Daphne, 1846. Apollo pursues the nymph Daphne, who prays for he...
Echo and Narcissus. Canvas, 74 x 100 cm...
Adonis pleure par Venus - Venus bemoans the death of Adonis....
Mars et Venus, around 1630 Canvas, 155 x 213,5 cm
Rinaldo and Armida (from Torquato Tassos "Gerusalemme Liberata"). Armida, the S...