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1 subcategory
Torquato Tasso's "Gerusalemme Liberata"


267 photos
Two lovers in a garden. Illustration from              
the "Vaticinia for the days of the year".              
Nuremberg (last quarter 15th)                          
Folio 45 recto

Two lovers in a garden. Illustration from the "Vaticinia for the d...

Sarcophagus of Empress Constanza of Aragon,            
wife of Emperor Friedrich II, Holy Roman Empire.       
Constanza died in 1222. The Latin inscription          
says: "I was Queen of Sicily and Empress - here        
now I rest, Frederic, your wife."

Sarcophagus of Empress Constanza of Aragon, wife of Emperor Friedric...

Petrarca's Laura, the poet's lady love whom he         
immortalized in his sonnets "Il Canzoniere".           
Petrarca never spoke to her. She died of the           
plague in Avignon in 1348.                             
Inv. 8068
#260103 3

Petrarca's Laura, the poet's lady love whom he immortalized in his sonn...

Psyche brought back to life by the kiss of Amor.       

Psyche brought back to life by the kiss of Amor. Marble

Psyche brought back to life by the kiss of Amor.       

Psyche brought back to life by the kiss of Amor. Marble,detail.

Figure-clock, Amor on his chariot.                     
Clock-work: iron, wood; case: bronze, brass, silver,   
partly fire gilded, lapis lazuli, ebony. H: 30cm       
From Augsburg, around 1600

Figure-clock, Amor on his chariot. Clock-work: iron, wood;...

Sea-horse - Amor                                       
Two grotesque figures (beginning 18th)                 
Dresden, Germany

Sea-horse - Amor Two grotesque figures (b...

Four grotesque figures:                                
Halberdier; happy vintager; Amor; drunk cook.          
(beginning 18th)                                       
Dresden, Germany

Four grotesque figures: Halberdier; happy vintag...

Lovers in a ruin.                                      
Nymphenburg Manufacture, 1756

Lovers in a ruin. Nymphenburg Manufacture,...

Two naked people in the upper register.                
It may be a love scene, or magic and                   
sorcery, a side-show while the main events             
take place in the center strip.                        
Bayeux Tapestry, embroidery (11th).

Two naked people in the upper register. It may be a love scene,...

A naked couple in the upper register.                
It may be a love scene, or magic and sorcery,          
a side-show while the main events take place           
in the centre strip.                                   
Bayeux Tapestry, embroidery (11th).

A naked couple in the upper register. It may be a love scene, o...

Love prevents Armida from stabbing the sleeping Rinaldo
From Torquato Tasso's (1544 - 1595) poem 
"Gerusalemme Liberata".
Armida,the Saracen magician falls in love with her
former enemy,the crusader Rinaldo.After a cartoon by
Simon Vouet,17th. Atelier St.Germain,wool&silk,OA 450.

Love prevents Armida from stabbing the sleeping Rinaldo From Torquato Tasso's (...