Evocations of famous composers, sciencists, discoverers and historical figures.
Nicolas Copernicus' treatise "De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium libri...
Nicolas Copernicus' treatise "De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium libri...
Sir Isaac Newton's study in Trinity College,Cambridge. his desk and chair;manus...
Isaac Newton's work table in the garden of Woolsthorpe Manor, under an offsprin...
On January 4, 1642, Isaac Newton was born in this room. The scient...
Partitioned section of the room where Sir Isaac Newton was born on Janua...
Isaac Newton's first reflecting telescope and the manuscripts describing a...
Napiers bones (first instruments used to calculate Logarithms), a compass,...
Isaac Newton's manuscripts on optics and colour, and the prism which he u...
The masters lodge at Trinity College. Next to the fireplace a...
Trinity College Library. On the lectern, in the foreground, some of Sir...
Trinity College Library built by Sir Christopher...