Evocations of famous composers, sciencists, discoverers and historical figures.
Gravitation field experiment illustrating Albert Einstein's theory...
In a Wilson Chamber, plutonium alpha particles are given off as the air is...
Experiment conducted in a train to determine one of the Theories of R...
Einstein's theory of Relativity: there is no absolute time. Time is a function...
Clock illustrating Albert Einstein's theory of the speed of light an...
Reconstruction of the original Moessbauer experiment used to prove Albert Ein...
First laser built in the U.S.A. Experiments with this instrument proved A...
A model of an early sewing-machine invented by Joseph Madersperger, 176...
An early model of a typewriter, 1864, invented by Peter Mitter...
One of Johann Kravogl's (1823-1899) "Power Wheels". Kravogl invented a direc...
Marcus Motor, model 1888, with brush carburator and exhaust heating system, inve...
Marcus Motor, model 1888, with brush caburator invented by Siegfried Marcus (183...