Thetis in Hephaistos' forge. Fresco (1st CE) from Pom...
A typical, triangular Maya Arch opens in the South Building of the Quadrang...
A typical, triangular Maya Arch opens in the South Building of the Quadrang...
Maya Arch in the facade of the Palace of the Governor, Uxmal. The triangular Ma...
The monumental arch in Labna, Puuc, Archaeological Zone, Yucatan. The arch...
The Maya arch at Kabah, Puuc Archaeological Zone, Yucatan, which connected...
A typical Maya arch under the stairs of the Nohoch Mool Pyramid, Coba, Yuca...
Friedrich II,King of Prussia (1712-1786) and the Marquis d'Agens during t...
Visible steel beam in the dining room, St.Hubertus Lodge, house of the Kroe...
Visible steel beam in the dining room, St.Hubertus Lodge, house of the Kroe...
Administration building of the Hoechst Farbwerke industries,Frankfurt, 19...
AEG (Allgemeine Elektrizitaets Gesellschaft) turbine factory, 1909.