Building a galley in a Venice shipyard, from "Peregrinatio in Terram...
"Scivias"(Know the ways of the Lord) by the German nun and mystic Hildegard von...
King Louis VI le Gros (Louis the Fat) overseeing the construction of a ch...
Les Heures d'Etienne Chavalier:Saint Margaret and the Prefect Olybrius.Ms....
La Bible Historiale,1350-1355. French,parchment, 45,5 x 31,5 cm,two volum...
Les Grandes Chroniques de France,a history of French Royalty.Early 15th,Frenc...
Le Livre des simples medecines - translation into French from the 12th cen...
Chronique de la Bouquechardiere,world-history composed by Jean de Courcy (1350-...
Le Livre des Simples Medecines, end 15th,early 16th; French,parchment,35,5 x...
#150301 3
Carpenter with a saw, another with an axe....
#150301 9
Craftsmen building the Ark (note medieval tools). Detail from the story of...
#150304 8
The foundation of the monastery of the Fratres Minores in Valenciennes,France.I...