
Wisdom of Salomon 4, 20

And when they cast up the accounts of their sins, they shall come with fear: and their own iniquities shall convince them to their face.

Wisdom of Salomon 5, 13 - 14

Even so we in like manner, as soon as we were born, began to draw to our end, and had no sign of virtue to shew; but were consumed in our own wickedness. For the hope of the ungodly is like dust that is blown away with the wind; like a thin froth that is driven away with the storm; like as the smoke which is dispersed here and there with a tempest, and passeth away as the remembrance of a guest that tarrieth but a day.

91 photos
The Last Judgement, Voronet Church, detail:            
Christ Judge in the upper register, his throne below.  
From the throne descends the stream of hellfire        
which awaits the damned. Angels blow trumpets like     
Romanian shepherds' Alphorns to wake the dead.

The Last Judgement, Voronet Church, detail: Christ Judge in the uppe...

The Last Judgement, Voronet Church, detail: Angels     
fight devils for souls; the damned wear Turkish turbans
(the Moldavians' enemies at the time); angels blow     
trumpets which look like Moldavian shepherds' Alphorns 
Detail of 15-03-07/49

The Last Judgement, Voronet Church, detail: Angels fight devils for souls;...

Drunkards in hell,tortured by devils who pour boiling  
lead and sulphur down their throats. Initial "A".      
From the "Tresor de Sapience",French,15th.Ms 146/1513.

Drunkards in hell,tortured by devils who pour boiling lead and sulphur down th...

Thieves in hell,tortured by dogs.Initial "L".          
From the "Tresor de Sapience" by Jean Gerson,          
French,15th.Ms 146/1513.

Thieves in hell,tortured by dogs.Initial "L". From the "Tresor de Sapi...

Usurers in hellfire,tortured by devils.Initial "S".    
From the "Tresor de Sapience" by Jean Gerson,          
French,15th.Ms 146/1513.

Usurers in hellfire,tortured by devils.Initial "S". From the "Tresor de Sapi...

Devils pushing the damned into the maw                 
of a giant crocodile, the maw of Hell.                 
Stained glass

Devils pushing the damned into the maw of a giant crocodile, th...

The damned are pushed into the boiling kettles of      
Hell, Saint Etienne Cathedral, Bourges.                

The damned are pushed into the boiling kettles of Hell, Saint Etienne Cath...

Hell, fresco in the sacristy of the abbey church       
of Vorau, 1716

Hell, fresco in the sacristy of the abbey church of Vorau, 1716

Iglesia del Santo Sepulcro - Church of the Holy        
Sepulchre, Estella,Navarra.Gothic tympanum shows the   
Last Supper, the Three Marys at the Sepulchre, Hell    
and Calvary.

Iglesia del Santo Sepulcro - Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Estella,Navar...

Descent to Hell(Virgil,Aeneis book VI)                 
Bronze with brown patina,Padua 1516-1521.              
37 x 49 cm     OA 9092-9099                            
Made for the tomb of Girolamo della Torre and his      
son Marc Antonio.

Descent to Hell(Virgil,Aeneis book VI) Bronze with brown patin...

Apocalypse d'Angers,1373-1387,a series of tapestries
woven for Louis I.,Duke of Anjou.
The fourth seal: "A pale horse and his name that sat on him was Death and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill with sword, and with hunger and with death and with the beasts of the earth.."

Apo 6: 7 - 8
#310302 1

Apocalypse d'Angers,1373-1387,a series of tapestries woven for Louis I.,Duke of...

The damned are pushed into the boiling kettles of      
Hell, Saint Etienne Cathedral, Bourges.                

The damned are pushed into the boiling kettles of Hell, Saint Etienne Cath...