Details of larger artworks.
Le buffet, 1728. Detail of the dog. (40-11-09/60). Canvas, 194 x 129 cm INV. 3...
The preaching of Saint Gery, "the pastoral sermon", with the church of Saint Gu...
Retable du Parlement de Paris: Saint Louis, Saint John Baptist, Saint Denis, Cha...
The Wedding at Cana. Photograph after restoration. From the Benedictine Convent...
Portrait d'une negresse, 1800. Detail of 40-11-13/70. Canvas, 81 x 65cm. INV....
Madame Pasteur, née Madeleine Alexandre (1773-1841). 1795-1796. Detail of 39-19-...
Marie-Louise de Parme (1751-1819), wife of her cousin Charles IV of Spain. Deta...
The Turkish Bath. Detail of 40-11-02/42. Canvas on wood (1862) Diameter 110cm....
Apollon et Daphné - Apollo and Daphne. Around 1615-1620. Detail of 39-19-10/32....
The love of Paris and Helen, 1789. Detail of 40-11-04/52. Canvas, 146 x 180cm....
The battle between Love and Chastity, 1503. Detail of 40-08-06/46. Painted for t...
Le preteur et sa femme - The money-lender and his wife, 1514. Detail of 40-03-0...