
Isaiah 14, 11 - 15

Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

126 photos
"Scivias"(Know the ways of the Lord) by the German nun 
and mystic Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179).The book,  
Codex Rupertsberg,disappeared during WW II.Transparen- 
cies are from a facsimile.Top:the devil breathes poison
Bottom:disguised as merchant,he tries to seduce men.

"Scivias"(Know the ways of the Lord) by the German nun and mystic Hildegard von...

"Scivias"(Know the ways of the Lord) by the German nun 
and mystic Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179).The book,  
Codex Rupertsberg,disappeared during WW II. Lucifer and
his followers shine like bright stars at first, but are
extinguished and turn dark as they turn away from God.

"Scivias"(Know the ways of the Lord) by the German nun and mystic Hildegard von...

Christ Judge and the Archangel Michael Fighting Devils
Antiphonary in note 7 (H), a book which contains the chants to be sung by the choir during mass. Initial "F" of Factus

second half of the 14th century

Christ Judge and the Archangel Michael Fighting Devils Antiphonary in note 7 (H...

Les Heures d'Etienne Chavalier:Top:St.Bernard          
praying with his monks.Bottom:Saint Bernard tempted    
by,around 1445.

Les Heures d'Etienne Chavalier:Top:St.Bernard praying with his monks.B...

Saint Bernard,Abbot of Clairvaux,from:Heures           
d'Etienne Chevalier,,around 1445.              
Bottom scene shows Saint Bernard tempted by Satan.

Saint Bernard,Abbot of Clairvaux,from:Heures d'Etienne Chevalier,ms.f...

Hell.Golden devils agitate bellows;tiny sinners are    
roasting in hellfire;some of them with the tonsure of  
monks;more damned drop into hell in the background.

Hell.Golden devils agitate bellows;tiny sinners are roasting in hellfire;som...

Missale Remense - massbook for the use of Saint-Nicaise
of Reims,France,between 1285 and 1297.                 
Latin,parchment,23,3 x 16,2 cm, 336 pages.             
Credo,fol.59 verso:Jonah and the whale;Christ speaking 
to the Jews;Christ and Job in a boat;Jonah and Hosea.
#150207 6

Missale Remense - massbook for the use of Saint-Nicaise of Reims,France,between...

La Vie et les Miracles de Notre Dame - Life and        
miracles of Our Lady, 1260-1270.French,parchment,      
27,5 x 19 cm, 285 pages.The usurer and the beggar-     
woman:left,the usurer whose soul is snatched by the    
devil,while the beggar woman has a vision of St.Mary.

La Vie et les Miracles de Notre Dame - Life and miracles of Our Lady, 12...

Missal,1490,French,parchment,37,5 x 27,5 cm,451 pages. 
Christ Judge,Last Judgement,maw of hell,resurrection   
of the dead.fol.223

Missal,1490,French,parchment,37,5 x 27,5 cm,451 pages. Christ Judge,Last Judgem...

The Fifth Trumpet of the Apocalypse.The Fall of the    
Star of Satan.From the Liber Floridus by Lambertus     
Ms 724/1596 fol.12 verso.

The Fifth Trumpet of the Apocalypse.The Fall of the Star of Satan.From the L...

Temptation of Christ in the desert.                    
From a Life of Christ,Germany,15th.

Temptation of Christ in the desert. From a Life of Christ,Ge...

Scenes from the Life of Pope Gregory the Great.        
Upper register:Gregory visits the construction site    
of an abbey.Lower register:Gregory exorcising a demon. 
From Vincent de Beauvais:Miroir Historial,French,15th  
Ms 722/1196 fol.8 verso.
#150304 9

Scenes from the Life of Pope Gregory the Great. Upper register:Gregory v...