
Isaiah 14, 11 - 15

Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

126 photos
The Fall of the Damned, around 1450.                   
Oil on wood, 115 x 69,5 cm

The Fall of the Damned, around 1450. Oil on wood, 115 x 69,5...

Saint Wolfgang Altar. Paintings on the closed altar    
shuters (workday view). Scenes from the life of Saint    
Wolfgang. Painted by his cousin  Friedrich Pacher.     
The Devil disturbs the Saint's sermon, alms giving,    
building the church,  healing of a possessed woman.

Saint Wolfgang Altar. Paintings on the closed altar shuters (workday view)....

A devil wearing eye-glasses.                           
Carved wood

A devil wearing eye-glasses. Carved wood

Bishop Saint Wolfgang and the devil:To appease the     
devil who disturbs Saint Wolfgang during the building  
of his church, the Saint promises to give the devil    
the first living being that enters the church.He sends 
a dog,depriving the devil of the human soul he craved.

Bishop Saint Wolfgang and the devil:To appease the devil who disturbs Saint...

Altar of Saint Michael. Wings: Saints Jerome           
and Anthony of Padua. 1500-1510                        
Oakwood, center 66 x 53 cm, wings 66 x 22,5 cm         

Altar of Saint Michael. Wings: Saints Jerome and Anthony of Padua. 15...

The Temptation of Saint Anthony the Great.           
Painting on copper                                     
Size 20.8 x 29 cm                                      
Cat. 62, Inv. 667

The Temptation of Saint Anthony the Great. Painting on copper...

The Last Judgement.                                    
Triptych, central panel                                
Oil on oakwood                                         
164 x 127 cm  Inv.4 E

The Last Judgement. Triptych, central panel...

The Last Judgement.                                    
Triptych, central panel, detail                        
Oil on oakwood                                         
Inv. 4 E

The Last Judgement. Triptych, central panel,...

The Last Judgement: Hell.                              
Triptych, right wing, inside                           
Oil on oakwood                                         
Inv. 4 D

The Last Judgement: Hell. Triptych, right wing, i...

The dead rising from their tombs. Detail of the        
central panel of the triptych The Last Judgement.      
Oil on wood (1526-1527)

The dead rising from their tombs. Detail of the central panel of the tri...

The maw of hell devouring the damned. Right            
wing of the triptych The Last Judgement.               
Oil on wood (1526-1527)                                
264 x 76 cm

The maw of hell devouring the damned. Right wing of the triptych The...

Triptych with the Last Judgement. Center panel:        
Judgement and Weighing of Souls; left shutter: Reception  
of the Righteous into Heaven; right shutter: Casting      
the Damned into Hell. 1467-1471   Inv.SD/413/M         
Oak, center 221 x 161 cm, wings 223,5 x 72,5 cm
#400306 1

Triptych with the Last Judgement. Center panel: Judgement and Weighing...