Saints "F"
Fabian, Felician, Felix, Florian, Foy (Fides), Francis of Assisi, Francis of Paula, Fracis of Sales, Francis Xavier, Francois Romaine and Fridolin.
Saint Francois d'Assise en oraison devant un crucifix - Saint Francis of Assisi...
Saints Sebastian and Fabian.
The extasy of Saint Francis. 10035115
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Le Christ en Croix, la Vierge, la Madeleine, saint Jean et saint Francois de Pau...
Le songe d'Innocent III; Le pape approuvant les statuts de l'ordre; Saint Franço...
Le songe d'Innocent III - The vision of Pope Innocent III. Detail from the prede...
Le pape approuvant les statuts de l'ordre - The Pope approving the statutes of t...
Saint François prêchant aux oiseaux - Saint Francis preaching to the birds. Deta...
Saint François-Xavier rappelant à la vie la fille d'un habitant de Cangoxima au...
Saint François d'Assise recevant les stigmates - Saint Francis of Assisi receivi...
Life-size statue of Saint Florian, the martyred saint and Roman legiona...
Saint Francis Assisi receiving the stigmata, September 17,1224. Canonization by...