Saints "G"
Genesius, Genoveva, George, Gereon, Germain, Gery, Gilles, Gisela Abess, Giusto, Gregory, Gregory Nazianus, Gregory Thaumaturgus and Guillaume d'Aquitaine.
79 photos
#401105 4
Mass of Saint Gilles in St.Denis,1500.Miracle said to have happened in Orleans...
Saint Genevieve receiving the medal from Saint Germain....
Saint Georges combattant le dragon,dit aussi Persee delivrant Androme...
Sainte Genevieve ravitaillant Paris - Saint Genevieve brings fresh supplies to...
Altar of the Patron Saints of Cologne (with Lochner, self-portrait among the...
Saint Catherine of Siena persuades Pope Gregory XI to leave his exile in Av...
Saint George slaying the dragon. The Four Gospels. 17th century