Saints "M"
Margaret, Martha, Martin of Tours, Mary of Egypt, Mary Magdalen of Bethany, Mary Magdalen of Magdala, Mary Jacoba, Mary Salome, Maurice (Mauricius), Maurus, Maximian, Menas, Mercurios, Method and Monica.
La messe de saint Martin - the mass of Saint Martin. Painted for the Abbey of...
Saint Mary Magdalen,penitent. Canvas,112 x 88 cm...
The assumption of the Magdalena. Canvas,205 x 163 cm...
Sainte Madeleine penitente - Saint Mary Magdalen penitent,1657....
Madeleine ou La Douleur (Magdalen, or the pain)...
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Le repas chez Simon. The meal in Simon's house. Martha pours oil over Christ's f...
Saint Augustine and his mother, Saint Monica, 1855 Canvas, 146,5 x 114,5 cm...
Sainte Madeleine repentante renonce a toutes les vanites de la vie - Sain...
Full page: framed text with historiated initial 'E': Raising of Lazarus (John 11...
Full page: framed text with historiated initial 'I': Supper (Anointment) at Beth...
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Full page: text with coloured pen drawing: Martha appeals to Mary Magdalene to r...
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Full page: text with coloured pen drawing: Christ (with two disciples) tells Mar...