Saints "S"
Salome, Sawati, Sebald, Sebastian, Senen, Severin, Sigismund, Simeon Stock, Simeon Stylite, Simon, Sixtus, Sosima and Symphorien.
Saint Simeon Stylite. Casing plate for a reliquary or perhaps a votive tabl...
Shrine of the sons of Burgundian King Sigismund. Narrow side: King Sigism...
Crucifixion with Saint Mary and Saint John Apostle. Lower margin:a praying b...
Saint Sosima and Saint Sawati holding a model of Solowski mona...
Saint Simeon Stylite (521-592),sitting on his column. From a door frame in Hag...
Indulgence box, for donations to win forgiveness of sins, 1522. Originall...
Procession of martyrs Saint Clement, Sixtus, Lawrence, Hippolytus, Cornelius, al...
Sketch for a martyrdom of Saint Sebastian. Pen and brown ink,metal...
Sketch for a set for the fourth act of Gabriele d'Annunzio's mystery play "The m...
Saint Sebald on the Column. Around 1501. Woodcut, 277 x 94mm.
Saints Stephen, Sixtus and Lawrence. Around 1504/05. Woodcut, 212 x 142mm. (mo...
Saint Sebald in the Niche. Dated 1518. Woodcut, 302 x 212mm.