Saints "S"

Salome, Sawati, Sebald, Sebastian, Senen, Severin, Sigismund, Simeon Stock, Simeon Stylite, Simon, Sixtus, Sosima and Symphorien.

94 photos
Saint Simeon Stylite. Casing plate for a reliquary     
or perhaps a votive tablet presenting the ascetic      
Simeon, (probably the Elder) sitting on his column.    
From Syria.Inv. BJ 2180                                
Chased silver, partly gilded.

Saint Simeon Stylite. Casing plate for a reliquary or perhaps a votive tabl...

Shrine of the sons of Burgundian King Sigismund.       
Narrow side: King Sigismund,founder of the abbey of    
St.Maurice, and his knights. Chased silver, gilt.

Shrine of the sons of Burgundian King Sigismund. Narrow side: King Sigism...

Crucifixion with Saint Mary and Saint John Apostle.    
Lower margin:a praying bishop and Saint Sebastian.     
From a missal,French 14th.Ms 1259,fol.173 verso.

Crucifixion with Saint Mary and Saint John Apostle. Lower margin:a praying b...

Saint Sosima and Saint Sawati holding                  
a model of Solowski monastery.                         

Saint Sosima and Saint Sawati holding a model of Solowski mona...

Saint Simeon Stylite (521-592),sitting on his column.  
From a door frame in Hagia Sophia, Trebizond.

Saint Simeon Stylite (521-592),sitting on his column. From a door frame in Hag...

Indulgence box, for donations to win forgiveness       
of sins, 1522. Originally part of the altar of         
Saint Sebastian.

Indulgence box, for donations to win forgiveness of sins, 1522. Originall...

Procession of martyrs Saint Clement, Sixtus, Lawrence, Hippolytus, Cornelius, all carrying crowns -symbol of martyrs.
Mosaic; 6th century CE
See also 15-03-02/52

Procession of martyrs Saint Clement, Sixtus, Lawrence, Hippolytus, Cornelius, al...

Sketch for a martyrdom of Saint Sebastian.             
Pen and brown ink,metal nib (silver?)on pink-          
coloured paper.                                        
27 x 17,8 cm                                           
RF 452 verso

Sketch for a martyrdom of Saint Sebastian. Pen and brown ink,metal...

Sketch for a set for the fourth act of Gabriele
d'Annunzio's mystery play "The martyrium of
Saint Sebastian",1911
Watercolour and gouache on paper.

Sketch for a set for the fourth act of Gabriele d'Annunzio's mystery play "The m...

Saint Sebald on the Column. Around 1501.
Woodcut, 277 x 94mm.

Saint Sebald on the Column. Around 1501. Woodcut, 277 x 94mm.

Saints Stephen, Sixtus and Lawrence. Around 1504/05.
Woodcut, 212 x 142mm.

Saints Stephen, Sixtus and Lawrence. Around 1504/05. Woodcut, 212 x 142mm. (mo...

Saint Sebald in the Niche. Dated 1518.
Woodcut, 302 x 212mm.

Saint Sebald in the Niche. Dated 1518. Woodcut, 302 x 212mm.