403 photos
Prehistoric cult place on slope of the Buelbueldag.    
Double stone seat (seat of the gods)                   
(10th-6th BCE)                                         
Ephesus, Turkey
#010201 8

Prehistoric cult place on slope of the Buelbueldag. Double stone seat (seat...

Fragment of the "Hunting Palette", 3.300-3.100 BCE     
Grauwacke from Abydos, 40,6 x 40,5 cm                  
E 11254                                                
Decorated with a hunting scene in the desert,clothing  
and arms are found later in pharaonic society.
#030101 5

Fragment of the "Hunting Palette", 3.300-3.100 BCE Grauwacke from Abydos, 4...

Knife from Jebel el-Arak,near Abydos.Negade II,3.500 - 
3.100 BCE.Silex and hyppopotamus ivory, H: 25,5 cm     
Verso of the handle.A bearded person flanked by two    
lions,desert animals and dogs.Inspired by Mesopotamian 
art. E 11517  For overall and recto see 08-01-01/1,2.
#030101 6

Knife from Jebel el-Arak,near Abydos.Negade II,3.500 - 3.100 BCE.Silex and hypp...

Mudstone cosmetic palette,late pre-dynastic period,
around 3100 BCE, from Amra.Two birds' heads,one broken,
may have had a religious or protective meaning through
their association with animal-headed deities.The raised
relief symbol on this palette is that of the god Min.
EA 35501

Mudstone cosmetic palette,late pre-dynastic period, around 3100 BCE, from Amra....

Cup,Mesopotamian, late Prehistoric period, 3.400 to 3200 BCE.he cup is carved on either side with a figure naked except for a belt and with his hair parted in the centre. The figure holds two bulls around the neck, on which perch large birds. The meaning of this image is unclear:the man may be protecting the animals, or he may represent the struggle between chaotic savagery and divine order.
ANE, 118465

Cup,Mesopotamian, late Prehistoric period, 3.400 to 3200 BCE.he cup is carved on...

Terracotta head of a ewe, Late Prehistoric period, 3.300-3000 BCE. Sheep played an important part in the ancient Sumerian economy. Woollen textiles were sometimes produced in large factories, employing hundreds of women, and probably exported throughout the region.
Images of sheep were especially common at this time.
ANE, 132092
#030302 1

Terracotta head of a ewe, Late Prehistoric period, 3.300-3000 BCE. Sheep played...

Statue of a bearded man, Early Dynastic period, 2.600-2,500 BCE. This broken statue was probably deposited in a temple as a votive offering. Figures of men and women were set up in temples in ancient Mesopotamia to symbolically represent their donor in prayer before a god.
ANE, 91667 (1854.4-1.31)
#030302 2

Statue of a bearded man, Early Dynastic period, 2.600-2,500 BCE. This broken sta...

Stone mould, Old Babylonian Period from Ninveh, northern Iraq, 18th BCE. The mould shows a bearded god wearing a high hat and a goddess with an elaborate necklace. Both deities wear a flounced garment often depicted on cylinder seals. The dowel holes and the pour-channels indicate that this was a closed mould, but one half is missing.
ANE 92666
#030302 3

Stone mould, Old Babylonian Period from Ninveh, northern Iraq, 18th BCE. The mou...

Painted bowl, Sialk III period, around 4.000 BCE. Abstract ornaments and a human figure with bird-like head. The Sialk
period is contemporry with th Ubaid and Uruk cultures of mesopotamia to the west.  Excavated by E. Herzfield at Tall-i Bakun, southern Iran.
ANE 128622

Painted bowl, Sialk III period, around 4.000 BCE. Abstract ornaments and a human...

Plastered skull from Jericho, 7000-6000 BCE. The removal of the skull and its separate burial was widely practiced in the Levant during the 7th millenium BCE. The lower jaw was often removed and  the skull remodelled with plaster to build up the facial features. Shells were set into the empty sockets to represent the eyes.  ANE 127414

Plastered skull from Jericho, 7000-6000 BCE. The removal of the skull and its se...

Painted jar in the form of a female figure, Anatolian Chalcolotic, around 5000 BCE. Striped clay jar, similar to  a type of pottery found at Hacilar,Turkey. The potters at this site produced high-quality wares, but by the beginning of the fifth millenium BCE Hacilar had been abandoned and with the end of the settlement came the end of the fine pottery tradition. ANE, 134707

Painted jar in the form of a female figure, Anatolian Chalcolotic, around 5000 B...

Two female figures, Halaf culture and Late Chalcolithic,
around 5000 - 4500 BCE. The figurine on the left comes from  north-east Syria, the one on the right probably from south- east Turkey. Both are fertility figures with large breasts and wide hips. Necklace, loincloth, body-paint and jewellery are painted on them.    ANE, 125381

Two female figures, Halaf culture and Late Chalcolithic, around 5000 - 4500 BCE...