403 photos
Small recipient with elephant on top,                  
ladder ornaments along the body.                       
Painted terracotta (35th-33rd BCE),                    
Pre-Dynastic Period, Egypt.                            
Inv. 22 388
#080110 2

Small recipient with elephant on top, ladder ornaments along t...

Palette for make-up, with two birds' heads.            
Slate (32nd-30th BCE),                                 
Pre-Dynastic Period, Egypt.                            
Inv. 19 748
#080110 3

Palette for make-up, with two birds' heads. Slate (32nd-30th BCE),...

Male figurine with phallic sheath, 4000 - 3800 BCE     
Predynastic, Nagada I                                  
Elephant-ivory, H: 23,5 cm
#080114 1

Male figurine with phallic sheath, 4000 - 3800 BCE Predynastic, Nagada I...

Female figure, with raised arms (dancer?)              
4000-3000 BCE, predynastic, Nagada I                   
Ivory, H:20 cm
#080114 2

Female figure, with raised arms (dancer?) 4000-3000 BCE, predynast...

Amulet with symbols of the goddess Hathor.             
Serpentine-stone, H: 1,9 cm, L: 1,6 cm,  Nagada II     
Inv. AF 6903

Amulet with symbols of the goddess Hathor. Serpentine-stone, H: 1,9...

Palette in form of a fish, limestone.                  
Pre-dynastic, 3.600-3.500 BCE
#080115 1

Palette in form of a fish, limestone. Pre-dynastic, 3.600-3.50...

Double vase with animal ornaments.                     
Negade I
#080115 2

Double vase with animal ornaments. Negade I

The "Narmer palette", a late pre-dynastic schist       
ceremonial palette. Pharaoh Narmer is shown wearing the
Red Crown,subduing Lower Egypt.Narmer's rectangular    
cartouche on top of the palette. Two mythical animals  
with intertwined necks.From Hierakonpolis, Kom el-Ahmar

The "Narmer palette", a late pre-dynastic schist ceremonial palette. Phar...

The "Narmer Palette", a late pre-dynastic schist       
ceremonial palette. Reverse side: Pharaoh Narmer,      
with White Crown, subdues Upper Egypt, kills an enemy  
grasping him by the hair. See also 08-01-15/30.        
From Hierakonpolis,(Kom al-Ahmar).

The "Narmer Palette", a late pre-dynastic schist ceremonial palette. Reve...

Sitting nude in birth-position.                        
Painted terracotta figure                              
Tell Halaf, Northern Syria                             
Size 8.3 cm                                            
AO 21 095
#080203 1

Sitting nude in birth-position. Painted terracotta figur...

Man carrying a young goat.                             
Stone bas-relief                                       
from Persepolis, Iran                                  
75 x 38 cm                                             
AO 14 050

Man carrying a young goat. Stone bas-relief...

Head of a tributary.                                   
Stone bas-relief from Persepolis, Iran                 
24 x 24.5 cm                                           
AO 17 278

Head of a tributary. Stone bas-relief from Pe...