Part of the western wall of the Temple, built by King Herod the...
Interdiction for non-Jews to enter the Inner Sanctum of the Temple in Jerusal...
Interdiction for non-Jews to enter the Inner Sanctum of the temple in Jerusal...
Modern model of the Herodian Temple and Jerusalem at the time of the Templ...
Scale model of Jerusalem and the second temple at the time of King Hero...
Modern model of Jerusalem at the time of the Herodian Temple (ca...
Phasael's Tower in the Citadel of Jerusalem. 14th century fortificati...
The "City of David"shows archaeological remains of 14 centuries of settleme...
Court of Law within the fortress of Antonia where Pontius Pilatus sat in j...
Stone steps in precinct of St. Peter in Gallicantu, a small church. a reminder...
Stone steps in precinct of St. Peter in Gallicantu, a small church and reminder...
Roman road leading from the Kidron Valley to the city of Jerusalem. This part...