1,211 photos
Tomb of the Virgin Mary, interior staircase hung       
with chandeliers. The present structure is late        
Byzantine, located at the foot of the Mount of         
Olives. There are burial niches hewn into the rock.

Tomb of the Virgin Mary, interior staircase hung with chandeliers. The pr...

Burial chamber of the tomb of the Virgin Mary.         
Late Byzantine. Burial niches hewn into the rock,      
located at the foot of the Mount of Olives.

Burial chamber of the tomb of the Virgin Mary. Late Byzantine. Burial n...

Tomb of the Virgin Mary at the foot of Mount Olives.   
The present structure is Late Byzantine. There are     
burial niches hewn into the rock.

Tomb of the Virgin Mary at the foot of Mount Olives. The present structure is...

Pool of Bethesda where Jesus, according to tradition,  
cured the lame man. The present structure is Byzantine.
The pool is behind the Church of Saint Anna in the old 
City of Jerusalem.

Pool of Bethesda where Jesus, according to tradition, cured the lame man. The...

Mount Hermon (2.814 m) forms the Eastern edge of       
the Antilebanon range. It is divided between Israel,   
Lebanon, and Syria. The Bible mentions it as the       
northernmost point of conquest of Moses and Joshua.    
The highest peak is outside Israel territory.
#080402 1

Mount Hermon (2.814 m) forms the Eastern edge of the Antilebanon range. I...

Mount Hermon (2 814 m) forms the Eastern edge of       
the Antilebanon range. It is divided between Israel,   
Lebanon, and Syria. The Bible mentions it as the       
northernmost point of conquest of Moses and Joshua.    
The highest peak is outside Israel territory.          
Birket Ram is a volcanic lake on the slope of Mount Hermon.
#080402 2

Mount Hermon (2 814 m) forms the Eastern edge of the Antilebanon range....

The Hermon range, Israel, forms the Eastern edge of    
the Antilebanon range. It is divided between Israel,   
Lebanon, and Syria. The Bible mentions it as the       
northernmost point of conquest by Moses and Joshua.
#080402 3

The Hermon range, Israel, forms the Eastern edge of the Antilebanon range....

Birket-Ram, Israel, a volcanic crater lake on the      
Golan Heights. According to legend, Birket-Ram covers  
a village punished for its lack of hospitality.
#080402 4

Birket-Ram, Israel, a volcanic crater lake on the Golan Heights. According...

Mount Hermon seen from the flat Hule Valley and Lake   
Hule, Israel. Its highest Peak, 2.814 m, is outside    
Israel's borders. Most of the range within Israel has  
been declared a Nature reserve.
#080402 5

Mount Hermon seen from the flat Hule Valley and Lake Hule, Israel. Its highes...

The wooded slopes of the Golan Heights, Israel, as     
they descend towards Banyas, one of the sources of     
the Jordan.
#080402 6

The wooded slopes of the Golan Heights, Israel, as they descend towards Ban...

The Yarmuk River empties into the Jordan South of      
Lake Kinereth (Genezareth), Israel. For a long stretch,
it forms the frontier between Israel and the Kingdom   
of Jordan.
#080402 7

The Yarmuk River empties into the Jordan South of Lake Kinereth (Genezaret...

The Yarmuk River empties into the Jordan South of      
Lake Kinereth (Genezareth), Israel. For a long stretch,
it forms the frontier between Israel and the Kingdom   
of Jordan.
#080402 8

The Yarmuk River empties into the Jordan South of Lake Kinereth (Genezaret...