The Mediterranean coast of Israel
The heights of the Carmel Range, roughly 550 m high, lie between the Jezreel...
The Mediterranean coast near Caesarea, capital of the Roman pro...
Dunes on the Mediterranean coast near Nathania, Israel.
Lake Kinereth (Genezareth) at sunset. Jesus walked on the waters of Lake Genez...
Lake Kinereth (Genezareth), 21 km long, 12 km across, 208 m belo...
Tel Megiddo, Israel, the legendary Armageddon of the ultimate battle describ...
The walls and a city gate of Megiddo, Israel, the legendary Armageddon...
Megiddo, Israel. Northern fortification of the city and the plain of Armaged...
The High Place in Megiddo, Israel. Megiddo is the legendary Armageddon...
The High Place in Megiddo, Israel. Megiddo is the legendary Armageddon...
Megiddo, Israel, King Solomon's stables and mangers. Megiddo is the legendary...