1,211 photos
The Mediterranean coast of Israel

The Mediterranean coast of Israel

The heights of the Carmel Range, roughly 550 m high,   
lie between the Jezreel Valley and the coastal plain.  
Covered by woods, it is a nature reserve of Israel.    
According to the Bible, the prophet Elijah confounded  
the priests of Baal on Mount Carmel (I Kings 18:17).

The heights of the Carmel Range, roughly 550 m high, lie between the Jezreel...

The Mediterranean coast near Caesarea,                 
capital of the Roman province of Judea.

The Mediterranean coast near Caesarea, capital of the Roman pro...

Dunes on the Mediterranean coast near Nathania, Israel.

Dunes on the Mediterranean coast near Nathania, Israel.

Lake Kinereth (Genezareth) at sunset. Jesus walked on  
the waters of Lake Genezareth and found his disciples  
among the fishermen. Many of the miracles described by 
the evangelists took place around the lake.

Lake Kinereth (Genezareth) at sunset. Jesus walked on the waters of Lake Genez...

Lake Kinereth (Genezareth), 21 km long,                
12 km across, 208 m below sea level. Many              
of Jesus' miracles described by the                    
evangelists took place around the lake.

Lake Kinereth (Genezareth), 21 km long, 12 km across, 208 m belo...

Tel Megiddo, Israel, the legendary Armageddon of the   
ultimate battle described in Revelations.The settlement
dates back 6000 years. It was a fortified city at the  
junction of the Via Maris. During Solomon's kingdom it 
was a chariot city.

Tel Megiddo, Israel, the legendary Armageddon of the ultimate battle describ...

The walls and a city gate of Megiddo, Israel,          
the legendary Armageddon of the ultimate battle        
described in Revelations. The settlement dates         
back some 6000 years. During Solomon's kingdom,        
it was a fortified chariot city (I Kings 9:15).

The walls and a city gate of Megiddo, Israel, the legendary Armageddon...

Megiddo, Israel. Northern fortification of the city    
and the plain of Armageddon, scene of the ultimate     
battle described in Revelations. The settlement        
dates back some 6000 years. During Solomon's kingdom,  
it was a fortified chariot city (I Kings 9:15).

Megiddo, Israel. Northern fortification of the city and the plain of Armaged...

The High Place in Megiddo, Israel. Megiddo is          
the legendary Armageddon of the ultimate battle        
described in Revelations. The settlement dates         
back some 6000 years. During Solomon's kingdom,        
it was a fortified chariot city (I Kings 9:15).

The High Place in Megiddo, Israel. Megiddo is the legendary Armageddon...

The High Place in Megiddo, Israel. Megiddo is          
the legendary Armageddon of the ultimate battle        
described in Revelations. The settlement dates         
back some 6000 years. During Solomon's kingdom,        
it was a chariot city (I Kings 9:15)

The High Place in Megiddo, Israel. Megiddo is the legendary Armageddon...

Megiddo, Israel, King Solomon's stables and mangers.   
Megiddo is the legendary Armageddon of the ultimate    
battle described in Revelations. The settlement        
dates back some 6000 years. During Solomon's kingdom,  
it was a fortified chariot city (I Kings 9:15).

Megiddo, Israel, King Solomon's stables and mangers. Megiddo is the legendary...