1,211 photos
Beit Shemesh, Samson's home, a Canaanite city conquered
by the tribes of Dan and Judah. The Ark of the Covenant
rested here on its way from Philistia to Kirjat Shearim
(I Samuel 6:12). During the battle of Beit Shemesh,King
Amazia of Judah was taken prisoner (II Kings 14:11)
#080403 1

Beit Shemesh, Samson's home, a Canaanite city conquered by the tribes of Dan and...

The hills between Beit Shemesh and Jerusalem, where    
Samson fought against the Philistines (Judges 15:16)
#080403 2

The hills between Beit Shemesh and Jerusalem, where Samson fought against th...

The rock-cut tombs of the Maccabees in Modi'im, Israel.
The Maccabees, Mattathias and his five sons, led the   
Hasmonean revolt against the Greek rulers in the 2nd   
BCE. Their victory and the rededication of the Temple  
in Jerusalem are remembered in the Hanukkah festival.
#080403 3

The rock-cut tombs of the Maccabees in Modi'im, Israel. The Maccabees, Mattathia...

The rock-cut tombs of the Maccabees in Modi'im, Israel.
The Maccabees, Mattathias and his five sons, led the   
Hasmonean revolt against the Greek rulers in the 2nd   
BCE. Their victory and the rededication of the Temple  
in Jerusalem are remembered in the Hanukkah festival.
#080403 4

The rock-cut tombs of the Maccabees in Modi'im, Israel. The Maccabees, Mattathia...

The rock-cut tombs of the Maccabees in Modi'im, Israel.
The Maccabees, Mattathias and his five sons, led the   
Hasmonean revolt against the Greek rulers in the 2nd   
BCE. Their victory and the rededication of the Temple  
in Jerusalem are remembered in the Hanukkah festival.
#080403 5

The rock-cut tombs of the Maccabees in Modi'im, Israel. The Maccabees, Mattathia...

The ruins of Beit Zur, Israel. A fortress of the       
Maccabees during their successful revolt against the   
Greek General Antiochus Epiphanes.
#080403 6

The ruins of Beit Zur, Israel. A fortress of the Maccabees during their s...

Tel Maresha, Israel, ancient settlement in the tribal  
allotment of Juda. One of the cities was fortified by  
King Rehoboam of Judah, son of King Solomon, to protect
the road from Lachisch to Jerusalem.
#080403 8

Tel Maresha, Israel, ancient settlement in the tribal allotment of Juda. One o...

The walls of the fortress Lachish, Israel, important   
royal city, guarding the road from the coast to Jerusa-
lem. Lachish was taken and destroyed by Assyrian King  
Sennacherib in 701 BCE and again destroyed by Nebu-    
chadnezzar II, King of Babylon, in 598 BCE.
#080403 9

The walls of the fortress Lachish, Israel, important royal city, guarding the...

The walls of the fortress Lachish, Israel, important   
royal city, guarding the road from the coast to Jerusa-
lem. Lachisch was taken and destroyed by Assyrian King 
Sennacherib in 701 BCE and again destroyed by Nebu-    
chadnezzar II, King of Babylon, in 598 BCE

The walls of the fortress Lachish, Israel, important royal city, guarding the...

The sanctuary of Mamre, Israel, connected with the
patriarchs. According to Biblical tradition, Abraham
built here an altar and was visited by the three angels
(Genesis 13:18 ff)

The sanctuary of Mamre, Israel, connected with the patriarchs. According to Bibl...

Beersheba, Israel, gate to the Negev Desert. The
servants of Abimelech, King of Gerar, had seized a
well which belonged to Abraham, but a covenant was
made between them, hence the name "Well of the Oath"
(Genesis 21:22)

Beersheba, Israel, gate to the Negev Desert. The servants of Abimelech, King of...

The wall of Tel Sheba, Israel, the ancient settlement
of Beersheba, connected with the patriarchs. Abraham
owned pastures and a well there, Isaac and Jacob also
lived in Beersheba.

The wall of Tel Sheba, Israel, the ancient settlement of Beersheba, connected wi...