1,211 photos
12 steles surrounding a place of worship in Gezer,     
one of the oldest Israelite settlements (3000 BCE).    
The city was given to King Solomon by an Egyptian      

12 steles surrounding a place of worship in Gezer, one of the oldest Israe...

The East Gate of Sichem.                               
Late Canaanite, early                                  
Israelite, time of the Judges

The East Gate of Sichem. Late Canaanite, early...

The outer wall of Sichem.                              
Late Canaanite, early                                  
Israelite, time of the Judges

The outer wall of Sichem. Late Canaanite, early...

The outer wall of Sichem.                              
Late Canaanite, early                                  
Israelite, time of the Judges

The outer wall of Sichem. Late Canaanite, early...

"Mezabah" (Great Stone), temple precinct               
of Sichem, Tel Balatah near Nablus.                    
Book of Joshua mentions a "Great Stone"                
(Late Bronze Age)

"Mezabah" (Great Stone), temple precinct of Sichem, Tel Balatah n...

"Mezabah" (Large Stone) in the temple precinct
of Sichem, Tel Balatah near Nablus.
Book of Joshua mentions a "Great Stone"
(Late Bronze Age)

"Mezabah" (Large Stone) in the temple precinct of Sichem, Tel Balatah near Nabl...

"Mezabah" (Large Stone) in temple precinct
of Sichem, Tel Balatah near Nablus, Israel.
The book of Joshua mentions a "Large Stone"
(Late Bronze Age)

"Mezabah" (Large Stone) in temple precinct of Sichem, Tel Balatah near Nablus,...

Mount Gerizim.                                         
Here stood the temple                                  
of the Samaritans.

Mount Gerizim. Here stood the temple...

Mount Gerizim.                                         
Here stood the temple                                  
of the Samaritans.

Mount Gerizim. Here stood the temple...

Valley of Aijalon (as seen from Gibeon).               
From here Joshua watched the battle against            
the Amorites and the sun stood still.

Valley of Aijalon (as seen from Gibeon). From here Joshua watched...

The spiral staircase of the Well of Gibeon             
leads down into a Canaanite well, mentioned in         
the Bible (Gibeon: "the hill", present day El-Jib).

The spiral staircase of the Well of Gibeon leads down into a Canaan...

The spiral staircase of the great cistern              
of Gibeon leads down into a Canaanite well,            
mentioned in the Bible (Gibeon: "the hill",            
present day El-Jib). Here Joshua fought the            
Amorites and the sun stood still.

The spiral staircase of the great cistern of Gibeon leads down int...