1,211 photos
Vine trellis panel,detail:Black man leading a giraffe. 
Around 567 CE.From the Monastery of the Lady Mary,     
Beth Shean.

Vine trellis panel,detail:Black man leading a giraffe. Around 567 CE.From the M...

A beribboned dove,detail from the pavement of the      
bath in Tiberias.

A beribboned dove,detail from the pavement of the bath in Tiberias.

Fish and crane,detail from the pavement of the bath
in Tiberias.

Fish and crane,detail from the pavement of the bath in Tiberias.

A duck,detail from the pavement of the bath in         

A duck,detail from the pavement of the bath in Tiberias.

Menorah,the seven-armed candelabrum;detail from        
the pavement of the synagogue of Maon.

Menorah,the seven-armed candelabrum;detail from the pavement of the syna...

A leopard;detail from the pavement of the              
synagogue of Maon.

A leopard;detail from the pavement of the synagogue of Maon.

Hen and egg;detail from the pavement of the            
synagogue of Maon.

Hen and egg;detail from the pavement of the synagogue of Maon.

A bird in a cage;detail from the pavement of the       
synagogue of Maon.

A bird in a cage;detail from the pavement of the synagogue of Maon.

A menorah,several ritual utensils (shofar,lulav,etrog, 
incense shovel)and the Greek inscription "Praise to    
the People". Detail of the pavement of the Huldah.

A menorah,several ritual utensils (shofar,lulav,etrog, incense shovel)and the G...

A tree with fruit,detail from the pavement of the      
atrium of the Church Outside the Walls,Caesarea.

A tree with fruit,detail from the pavement of the atrium of the Church Out...

A leopard,detail from the pavement of the atrium       
of the Church Outside the Walls,Caesarea.

A leopard,detail from the pavement of the atrium of the Church Outside th...

A pelican,detail from the pavement of the atrium       
of the Church Outside the Walls,Caesarea.

A pelican,detail from the pavement of the atrium of the Church Outside th...