1,211 photos
Goddess of archaic Greek                               
type, seated on a throne.                              
Terracotta, Persian Period

Goddess of archaic Greek type, seated on a throne...

Large terracotta storage jar                           
from the Jordan Valley,                                
4th millennium BCE.
#080503 1

Large terracotta storage jar from the Jordan Valley,...

Two-handle jug.                                        
Terracotta (3000-2700 BCE)
#080503 2

Two-handle jug. Terracotta (3000-2700 BC...

Vase with beige, flower-shaped rim,                    
a very special piece of local work,                    
from Shomrom Tell el-Farah (Tirzah).                   
Alabaster (3000-2700 BCE) Early Bronze                 
#080503 3

Vase with beige, flower-shaped rim, a very special piece of...

Two decorated jars.                                    
Pottery (3000-2600 BCE)
#080503 4

Two decorated jars. Pottery (3000-2600 BCE)

Jar from Megiddo.                                      
Typical of Middle Bronze Age I                         
Pottery (around 2000 BCE)
#080503 5

Jar from Megiddo. Typical of Middle Bronze...

Cup to measure grain from Benaya in Negev.             
Greyish clay with grits, rim slightly damaged,         
flat base (2200-1900 BCE)                              
Middle Canaanite Period I                              
Height 8 cm - Inv. R 189
#080503 6

Cup to measure grain from Benaya in Negev. Greyish clay with grits,...

Clay strainer.
#080503 7

Clay strainer.

Three vases                                            
imported from Egypt.                                   
#080503 8

Three vases imported from Egypt....

Snake-like jar handle                                  
from Megiddo.                                          
Pottery (around 18th BCE)
#080503 9

Snake-like jar handle from Megiddo....

Grain storage jars without handles from                
Benaya in Negev. Clay (2200-1900 BCE),                 
Middle Canaanite Period I.                             
Rectangular basin from Jerusalem.                      
Basalt (1500-1200 BCE)

Grain storage jars without handles from Benaya in Negev. Clay (2...

Two jars with decorations.                             
North Syrian influence

Two jars with decorations. North Syrian influence