1,211 photos
Jar handles stamped with                               
Hebrew seal impressions.                               
Iron Age

Jar handles stamped with Hebrew seal impressions....

Grain ostracon (potsherd) listing distribution         
of wheat, beginning with the heading "wheat"           
followed by a list of names and symbols                
From Arad, Stratum VII. Israelite Iron Age II.         
Size 18.5 x 15.5 cm. Inv. R 694

Grain ostracon (potsherd) listing distribution of wheat, beginning with...

"Jerusalem", Hebrew inscription incised on a           
wall of a rock-cut burial cave near Lachish            
(early 6th BCE).

"Jerusalem", Hebrew inscription incised on a wall of a rock-cut buria...

Juglet containing clay balls bearing seal impressions  
with names. Next to it two stone weights (early 6th BC)
from Lachish, Israel.

Juglet containing clay balls bearing seal impressions with names. Next to it t...

Sennacherib's prism (691 BCE),  describing
the third campaign of the king to reassert
Assyrian hegemony over Syria and Canaan. It
mentions among others Hezekiah, King of Judah.

Sennacherib's prism (691 BCE), describing the third campaign of the king to rea...

Hebrew ostracon (potsherd). A reaper                   
complains before the governor that an                  
officer had unjustly confiscated his                   
garment. From Mesad Hashavjahu, Israel                 
(late 7th BCE)

Hebrew ostracon (potsherd). A reaper complains before the gov...

Hebrew inscription: "of the place of trumpeting".      
From the outer walls of the Temple Mount, Jerusalem    
(2nd half 1st BCE) Herodian Period.

Hebrew inscription: "of the place of trumpeting". From the outer walls of...

Jewish ostracon (potsherd) with Aramaic                
inscription: "To teven pachlezon 10" (to straw         
10 bags or containers) "son of EVED MAR'AN".           
From Rafiah (end 4th to 3rd BCE).                      
Size 3.8 x 7.31 x 0.8 cm

Jewish ostracon (potsherd) with Aramaic inscription: "To teven p...

Seal showing winged animal with                        
crown and Hebrew inscription.                          
Stone, from Jerusalem                                  
Size 0.8 x 1.7 x 1.3 cm                                
Inv. H 617

Seal showing winged animal with crown and Hebrew inscrip...

Seal showing a man harvesting with a sickle.           

Seal showing a man harvesting with a sickle. Stone

Lintel with Hebrew inscription: this is the school of  
Eliezer Ha-Rapad. Rabbi Eliezer was known for his      
interpretations of the Mishnah. From a building near   
El-Al, Golan Heights, Israel.

Lintel with Hebrew inscription: this is the school of Eliezer Ha-Rapad. Rabbi...

Aramaic inscription on an ossuary:                     
"Jesus" (around 100 CE)

Aramaic inscription on an ossuary: "Jesus" (around 100 CE)