Jug with traces of blue and red paint. Egyptian find at...
Squatting man with crux ansata, from Israel....
Sitting divinity, traces of red paint, from Tel Beth-Mirsim, Is...
Divinity standing under an arch of flowers, with traces of red paint...
A woman's head with Egyptian hairdo, from the Gaza Strip, Isr...
The goddess Astarte, from the Hebron area, Is...
The goddess Astarte, from Deir-el-Balach,near...
The goddess Astarte, from Deir el-Balah, Gaza...
Head of a bearded man, from the Gaza Strip, Isr...
Lid of an anthropoid sarcophagus, probably Philistine work...
Three figurines of divinities, from the Jordan Valley,...
Five figurines, from the Jordan Valley,...