1,211 photos
Jug with traces of blue and red paint.                 
Egyptian find at                                       
Deir el-Balah, Gaza Strip, Israel                      
Alabaster, New Kingdom                                 
The Dayan Collection

Jug with traces of blue and red paint. Egyptian find at...

Squatting man with crux ansata,                        
from Israel.                                           
Grey sandstone (1800-1400 BCE)                         
Middle Bronze Age                                      
Cat. 10966

Squatting man with crux ansata, from Israel....

Sitting divinity, traces of red paint,                 
from Tel Beth-Mirsim, Israel.                          
Limestone bas-relief, Late Bronze Age

Sitting divinity, traces of red paint, from Tel Beth-Mirsim, Is...

Divinity standing under an arch of flowers,            
with traces of red paint,                              
from Tel Beth Mirsin, Israel.                          
Limestone bas-relief, Late Bronze Age

Divinity standing under an arch of flowers, with traces of red paint...

A woman's head with Egyptian hairdo,                   
from the Gaza Strip, Israel.                           
Stone (1550-1200 BCE)                                  
Late Bronze/Early Iron Age

A woman's head with Egyptian hairdo, from the Gaza Strip, Isr...

The goddess Astarte,                                   
from the Hebron area, Israel.                          
Pottery relief (around 1400 BCE)                       
Late Bronze Age II

The goddess Astarte, from the Hebron area, Is...

The goddess Astarte,                                   
from Deir-el-Balach,near Gaza.                         
Stone relief (1550-1200 BCE)                           
Late Bronze Age II

The goddess Astarte, from Deir-el-Balach,near...

The goddess Astarte,                                   
from Deir el-Balah, Gaza Strip, Israel.                
Limestone figurine with traces of red paint            
(1200-950 BCE) Iron Age I

The goddess Astarte, from Deir el-Balah, Gaza...

Head of a bearded man,                                 
from the Gaza Strip, Israel.                           
Terracotta (1550-1200 BCE)                             
Late Bronze/Early Iron Age

Head of a bearded man, from the Gaza Strip, Isr...

Lid of an anthropoid sarcophagus,                      
probably Philistine work,                              
from Tel Rehov, Israel.                                
Terracotta, early Israelite Period

Lid of an anthropoid sarcophagus, probably Philistine work...

Three figurines of divinities,                         
from the Jordan Valley, Israel.                        
Bronze (1550-1200 BCE)                                 
Late Bronze/Early Iron Age

Three figurines of divinities, from the Jordan Valley,...

Five figurines,                                        
from the Jordan Valley, Israel.                        
Bronze (1550-1200 BCE)                                 
Late Bronze/Early Iron Age

Five figurines, from the Jordan Valley,...