Bronze coin showing three ears of corn. Period of Herod Agrippa...
Bronze coin with portrait of Herod Agrippa I,...
Bronze coin with canopy or parasol. From the period of Agrip...
A bird and an inscription on a bronze coin from the period of...
Silver shekel with a chalice and Hebrew inscription, from the 4t...
Chalice and Hebrew inscription on a bronze coin from the tim...
"Judea Capta" (Judea is vanquished), Latin inscription and portrait of the Roma...
A symbolic plant and a palm tree on the recto-verso of a bronze coin with He...
A grape and a palm tree on the recto and verso of a bronze coin with Hebre...
A Grape and a jug on the recto and verso of a silver coin with Hebrew...
A jug with a symbolic plant and a temple on the recto and verso of a silver co...
A lyre and Hebrew inscription on a bronze coin issued by Simon Bar Koch...