1,211 photos
Bronze coin showing three ears of corn.                
Period of Herod Agrippa I,                             
King of Judea (42 CE).                                 
Diameter 1.7 cm, weight 2.7858 g                       
Cat. 97. Reifenberg Collection

Bronze coin showing three ears of corn. Period of Herod Agrippa...

Bronze coin with portrait                              
of Herod Agrippa I,                                    
King of Judea (43 CE).                                 
Diameter 2.1 cm, weight 8.5660 g                       
Reifenberg Collection

Bronze coin with portrait of Herod Agrippa I,...

Bronze coin with canopy or parasol.                    
From the period of Agrippa II,                         
King of Judea (28-100 BCE).                            
Reifenberg Collection

Bronze coin with canopy or parasol. From the period of Agrip...

A bird and an inscription on a bronze                  
coin from the period of Antonius Felix,                
Governor of Judea (54 CE).                             
Diameter 1.9 cm, weight 2.9721 g                       
Reifenberg Collection

A bird and an inscription on a bronze coin from the period of...

Silver shekel with a chalice and Hebrew                
inscription, from the 4th year of the first            
Jewish revolt against the Romans (68 CE).

Silver shekel with a chalice and Hebrew inscription, from the 4t...

Chalice and Hebrew inscription on a                    
bronze coin from the time of the first                 
Jewish revolt against the Romans (68 CE).              
Diameter 1.6 cm, weight 2.0145 g

Chalice and Hebrew inscription on a bronze coin from the tim...

"Judea Capta" (Judea is vanquished), Latin inscription 
and portrait of the Roman Emperor Vespasian (69-79 CE) 
on the recto of a bronze coin struck after the         
destruction of Jerusalem. Verso: two persons under a   
palm tree and a Latin inscription.

"Judea Capta" (Judea is vanquished), Latin inscription and portrait of the Roma...

A symbolic plant and a palm tree on the recto-verso    
of a bronze coin with Hebrew inscription, issued by    
Simon Bar Kochba, leader of the Second Jewish Revolt   
against the Romans, under the Roman Emperor Hadrian    
(132-135 CE).

A symbolic plant and a palm tree on the recto-verso of a bronze coin with He...

A grape and a palm tree on the recto and verso of      
a bronze coin with Hebrew inscription, issued by       
Simon Bar Kochba, leader of the Second Jewish Revolt   
against the Romans, under the Roman Emperor Hadrian    
(132-135 CE).

A grape and a palm tree on the recto and verso of a bronze coin with Hebre...

A Grape and a jug on the recto and verso of a          
silver coin with Hebrew inscription issued by          
Simon Bar Kochba, leader of the Secon Jewish           
revolt against the Romans, under the Roman             
Emperor Hadrian (132-135 CE).

A Grape and a jug on the recto and verso of a silver coin with Hebrew...

A jug with a symbolic plant and a temple on the recto  
and verso of a silver coin (tetradrachm) with Hebrew   
inscription, issued by Simon Bar Kochba, leader of the 
Second Jewish Revolt against the Romans, under the     
Roman Emperor Hadrian (132-135 CE).

A jug with a symbolic plant and a temple on the recto and verso of a silver co...

A lyre and Hebrew inscription on a bronze coin         
issued by Simon Bar Kochba, leader of the Second       
Jewish Revolt against the Romans, under the Roman      
Emperor Hadrian (132-135 CE).                          
Reifenberg Collection

A lyre and Hebrew inscription on a bronze coin issued by Simon Bar Koch...