Bracelets, from Dominus Flevit in Jerusalem, the Franciscan monastery where, ac...
Charcoal inscription "Mariam" (Mary), from Dominus Flevit in Jerusalem, the Fr...
Charcoal inscription on an ossuary "Shim 'on bar..." from Dominus Flevit in Je...
Seal "LMLK" on the handle of a jug found in the grotto underneath the Be...
Two fishhooks found at the shore of Lake Galilee in Caphernaum, Israel
Prayer written in Greek on a potsherd "Have mercy on me in flesh and...
Piece of Gypsum with a graffitto cross.
Roman oil lamp from Caphernaum, Israel
Potsherd (ostracon), probably from a cultic vessel, inscription in Hebrew. I...
Ostracon from the Herodion, palace and tomb of King Herod t...
Wheat in a terra sigillata dish, from the Herodion, palac...
Iron weights from Magdala, Israel