1,211 photos
Jacob's Well, Nablus, Israel. Here Jacob watered
his herds, according to Jewish and Arab tradition.

Jacob's Well, Nablus, Israel. Here Jacob watered his herds, according to Jewish...

Er Ram - probably the biblical Ramah, Israel, where    
the prophet Samuel is said to have sat in judgement.   
According to Jewish tradition, the site of the Muslim  
Shrine at Er Ram was the burial place of Samuel.

Er Ram - probably the biblical Ramah, Israel, where the prophet Samuel is sa...

Er Ram - probably the biblical Ramah, Israel, where    
the prophet Samuel is said to have sat in judgement.   
According to Jewish tradition, the site of the Muslim  
Shrine at Er Ram was the burial place of Samuel.

Er Ram - probably the biblical Ramah, Israel, where the prophet Samuel is sa...

The Wailing Wall (Western Wall) of the Temple          
in Jerusalem, built by King Herod the Great.           
The remnants of an arch, known as "Robinson's          
Arch", can be seen in the right upper part.

The Wailing Wall (Western Wall) of the Temple in Jerusalem, built by K...

The Dome of the Rock was built during the Omayyad      
Caliphate on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The arcade 
in front of the Dome of the Rock is called "The Scales"
In Muslim tradition this is where the scales for the   
weighing of souls will hang on Judgement-Day.

The Dome of the Rock was built during the Omayyad Caliphate on the Temple...

The Dome of the Rock was built during the Omayyad      
Caliphate on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The arcade 
in front of the Dome of the Rock is called "The Scales"
In Muslim tradition this is where the scales for the   
weighing of souls will hang on Judgement-Day.

The Dome of the Rock was built during the Omayyad Caliphate on the Temple...

The Dome of the Rock, interior. The rock in the centre
of the Mosque marks the spot, according to Jewish
tradition, where God prevented Abraham from sacrificing
his son Isaac. In Muslim tradition, this is the place
from where the Prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven.

The Dome of the Rock, interior. The rock in the centre of the Mosque marks the s...

The Dome of the Rock, interior. The rock in the centre
of the Mosque marks the spot, according to Jewish
tradition, where God prevented Abraham from sacrificing
his son Isaac. In Muslim tradition, this is the place
from where the Prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven.

The Dome of the Rock, interior. The rock in the centre of the Mosque marks the s...

Two kohl (eye make-up) tubes made of limestone,        
flanked by two monkeys, found in a burial cave         
in Gezer, Israel.                                      
15th-14th BCE
#080513 5

Two kohl (eye make-up) tubes made of limestone, flanked by two monkeys,...

Decorated fragment of a large vase                     
with ostriches and gazelles.                           
From the temple at Lachish,                            
Late Bronze Age, 15th-13th BCE                         
See 08-05-13/9
#080513 8

Decorated fragment of a large vase with ostriches and gazel...

Decorated rim of a large vase: ostriches               
picking at a palm tree.                                
From the temple at Lachish.                            
Late Bronze Age, 15th-13th BCE                         
See 08-05-13/8
#080513 9

Decorated rim of a large vase: ostriches picking at a palm tree....

Lyre player on a painted jar from Megiddo.             
Iron Age, around 1200 - 1000 BCE                       
See 08-05-13/11

Lyre player on a painted jar from Megiddo. Iron Age, around 1200 -...