560 photos
Crenellated fortress. Assyrian bas-relief from the     
palace of Ashurbanipal in Niniveh. Detail: The city    
of Arbela during the campaign against the kingdom of   
Elam, which brought Elam under Assyrian rule. 645 BC   
Gypseous alabaster, 130 x 126 cm       AO 19914

Crenellated fortress. Assyrian bas-relief from the palace of Ashurbanipal i...

Towers of a fortress with defenders.                   
Bas-relief from Ashurnazirpal's palace in Nimrud,      
Mesopotamia (Iraq)                                     
Size: 98 x 75 cm                                       
AO 19855

Towers of a fortress with defenders. Bas-relief from Ashurnaz...

Median tributaries with horses.                        
Bas-relief from the palace of King Sargon II           
at Khorsabad, Mesopotamia (Iraq)                       
Size: 165 x 307 cm                                     
AO 19887

Median tributaries with horses. Bas-relief from the pala...

Warriors defending the fortress of Arbela. Detail      
of a bas-relief from the palace of Ashurbanipal in     
Niniveh, illustrating the campaign against the kingdom 
of Elam,which brought Elam under Assyrian rule. 645 BCE
Gypseous alabaster, 186 x 179 cm        AO 19905

Warriors defending the fortress of Arbela. Detail of a bas-relief from the...

Assyrian war chariot with charioteer. Second row,      
bas-relief, palace of Ashurbanipal (668-627 BCE)       
in Niniveh,illustrating the campaign against the       
kingdom of Elam, which brought Elam under Assyrian     
rule. 645 BCE  Gypseous alabaster      AO 19909

Assyrian war chariot with charioteer. Second row, bas-relief, palace of As...

Assyrian war chariot with charioteer. Bas-relief,      
palace of Ashurbanipal (668-627 BCE),in Niniveh,       
illustrating the campaign against the kingdom of Elam  
which brought Elam under Assyrian rule, 645 BCE.       
Detail of 08-02-01/60  Gypseous alabaster,   AO 19909

Assyrian war chariot with charioteer. Bas-relief, palace of Ashurbanipal (...

Prisoners in camp having their meal. Bas-relief,       
palace of Ashurbanipal (668-627 BCE),illustrating the  
campaign against the kingdom of Elam,which brought Elam
under Assyrian rule, 645 BCE.Upper register 08-02-01/60
Gypseous alabaster,41 x 78 cm.           AO 19909

Prisoners in camp having their meal. Bas-relief, palace of Ashurbanipal (...

Inhabitants of a captured Elamite city on their way    
into exile. Bas-relief, palace of Ashurbanipal         
(668-627 BCE) in Niniveh. Upper register of 08-01-02/60
Gypseous alabaster, 163 x 77 cm                        
AO 19904

Inhabitants of a captured Elamite city on their way into exile. Bas-relief,...

Clay tablet with 22 lines in cuneiform writing         
listing barley rations for 17 gardeners for            
one month. Baked clay (2113-2006 BCE, 3rd Dynasty      
of Ur), Mesopotamia (Iraq). Size 6.1 x 3.9 cm.         
R 1184

Clay tablet with 22 lines in cuneiform writing listing barley rations f...

Sumero-Babylonian cuneiform tablet. Inscription
records delivery of grain as payment for labour.
Baked clay. Middle Canaanite Period
Size 4.3 x 4.5 cm
R 36

Sumero-Babylonian cuneiform tablet. Inscription records delivery of grain as pa...

Sovereign on a throne chariot                          
surrounded by courtiers.                               
Cylinder seal, black steatite (9th BCE)                
(Private collection)                                   
Length 5 cm

Sovereign on a throne chariot surrounded by courtiers....

Tiglath Pileser III, portrait (detail).                
Limestone bas-relief (7th BCE)                         
from Nimrud, Mesopotamia (Iraq).                       
Size 93 x 42 cm                                        
AO 19853

Tiglath Pileser III, portrait (detail). Limestone bas-relief (7t...