The ordinator of the sacrifice. Wall painting from the state appartmen...
Vanquished prince, nude, fettered, drawn by nose ring. Fragment of a steatite v...
Prisoners of war. Detail of the victory parade from the "standard of Mari",I...
A soldier and a Mari dignitary who carries the "standard of Mari". Deta...
Priestess wearing a "polos" hat. Stone head with plaster,...
Scribe or priest. Alabaster head from the...
Terracotta tablets from the time of Prince Ur-Utu and Ur-Mama. a) record of go...
Purchase of a slave by Lugal-Ushumgal, Prince of Lagash, vassal of Naram-...
Livestock report. Cuneiform tablet from the reign of a prince of Urma, vas...
Harvest record. Yield of barley, wheat, and buckwheat. Terracotta tablet from t...
Chronological list of kings of Larsa from 2025-1763 BCE Terracotta prism with Cu...
The Code of Hammurabi (1792-1750 BCE), 282 laws. Detail of the stele,fron...