Warriors scaling walls with ladders. Capture of an Egyptian c...
Warriors scaling walls with ladders fighting hand-to-hand. Ashurnazir...
Archer defends city walls, enemies tumble down. Detail of Ashurnazirpal'...
Warriors fighting at the bottom of the walls. Detail of Ashurnazirpal'...
Hand-to-hand fighting at the bottom of the walls. Detail of Ashurnazirpal'...
Trees with birds in the gardens of Sennacherib by the Tigris near Niniv...
Assyrian warrior kills an enemy. Detail from Ashurnazirpal's ass...
Banquet preparations in a military camp. Detail from a stone bas-relief...
Horses at the trough. Detail from Ashurnazirpal's ass...
Victorious warriors return carrying enemies' heads. Detail of Ashurnazirpal'...
Two archers. Detail from Ashurnazirpal's assault on a city....
Warriors under palm trees carrying booty. Ashurbanipal triumphs ov...