560 photos
A family of deportees with two children. Detail        
from the campaign of king Ashurbanipal against Elam    
(645 BCE). From the palace of theking in Ninveh.       
Detail of the lower register.                          
Gypseous alabaster        AO 19913

A family of deportees with two children. Detail from the campaign of kin...

Diasplaced Elamites having a meal in an encampment.    
Limestone bas-relief (7th BCE) from the palace         
of Ashurbanipal in Niniveh,illustrating the campaign   
against Elam, 645 BCE. Detail of the upper register.   
Gypseous alabaster, 41 x 78 cm - AO 19913

Diasplaced Elamites having a meal in an encampment. Limestone bas-relief (7t...

Assyrian archers during the siege of Lachish, Israel.  
Stone bas-relief (7th BCE) from the palace             
of Ashurbanipal in Niniveh, Mesopotamia (Iraq).

Assyrian archers during the siege of Lachish, Israel. Stone bas-relief (7th BC...

The Elamite city of Madaktu. The city is surrounded    
by canals. The fortress is standing on the river bank. 
Houses, among palmtrees, are surrounded by walls.      
Stone bas-relief (7th BCE) from the palace of          
Ashurbanipal in Niniveh, Iraq.

The Elamite city of Madaktu. The city is surrounded by canals. The fortress...

A cow and a stable constructed of wickerwork           
with sculpted columns in the background.               
Fragment of a cult vase of alabaster (era of           
Djemet-Nasr), from Uruk, Mesopotamia (Iraq).           
Limestone, 16 x 22,5 cm - AO 8842

A cow and a stable constructed of wickerwork with sculpted columns in...

Bearded head.                                          
Stone (2600 BCE)                                       
From Mesopotamia
#080206 1

Bearded head. Stone (2600 BCE)...

Two wrestlers or boxers. Terracotta relief from        
Eshnunna,late 3rd mill.BCE.                            
10 x 8 cm                                              
#080206 2

Two wrestlers or boxers. Terracotta relief from Eshnunna,late 3rd mill.B...

A musician. Embossed relief,                           
terracotta (3rd-2nd millenium BCE)                     
from Ashnunnak, Mesopotamia                            
11 x 6.3 cm                                            
AO 12 455
#080206 3

A musician. Embossed relief, terracotta (3rd-2nd mill...

Carpenter. Terracotta relief, period of the Amorite    
Dynasties (2000-1595 BCE)                              
From Warka (Uruk), Mesopotamia                         
H: 8 cm                                                
AO 6694 bis
#080206 4

Carpenter. Terracotta relief, period of the Amorite Dynasties (2000-1595 BCE...

Standing nude female figure.                           
Terracotta bas-relief                                  
from Ashnunnak, Mesopotamia                            
13 x 4.8 cm                                            
AO 12 466
#080206 5

Standing nude female figure. Terracotta bas-relief...

The Goddess Ninsum, mother of Gilgamesh.               
Seated steatite figure, bas-relief (2150 BCE)          
from Tello (Lagash), Mesopotamia                       
Black steatite, 13,7 x 6,5 cm                          
AO 2761
#080206 6

The Goddess Ninsum, mother of Gilgamesh. Seated steatite figure,...

Hairless head of a young man (King Gudea?)             
Diorite (2150 BCE)                                     
From Tello, period of king Gudea.                      
Diorite, 16,2 x 10,7 cm                                
AO 20 216
#080206 7

Hairless head of a young man (King Gudea?) Diorite (2150 BCE)...