560 photos
Mythical creature with gazelle's head, lion's body     
and snake's tail. Enamelled tile  and ceramic brick.   
Detail from the Ishtar Gate, Babylon, Mesopotamia      
Period of Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BCE)

Mythical creature with gazelle's head, lion's body and snake's tail. Enamel...

Lion.  Enameled tile and ceramic brick,                
from the Ishtar Gate, Babylon, Mesopotamia

Lion. Enameled tile and ceramic brick, from the Ishtar Gate, Ba...

Little boy. Alabaster figurine, stucco, bitumen, gold. 
Seleucidan period (312-64 BCE) from Babylon,           
16 x 7.2 cm                                            
AO 24728

Little boy. Alabaster figurine, stucco, bitumen, gold. Seleucidan period (312-6...

Reclining goddess or odalisque.                        
Alabaster figurine with gold incrustations             
and garnets (Seleucidan era, 312-64 BCE)               
from Babylon, Mesopotamia (Iraq)                       
Length 21 cm - AO 20129

Reclining goddess or odalisque. Alabaster figurine with...

Goddess (Ishtar?) or odalisque. Alabaster              
figurine with gold incrustations                       
and garnets (Seleucide era, 312-64 BCE)                
from Babylon, Mesopotamia (Iraq)                       
H: 25 cm - AO 20127

Goddess (Ishtar?) or odalisque. Alabaster figurine with gold incru...

Procession of prisoners.                               
Fragment of a diorite victory stele from the           
acropolis of Susa (2340-2320 BCE)                      
Era of King Sargon of Akkad.                           
Overall dimensions: 46.2 x 35 cm - Sb 3
#080207 2

Procession of prisoners. Fragment of a diorite vi...

Enemies caught in a net.Fragment of a victory stele    
from the acropolis of Susa, Iran.                      
Akkad period (2340-2150 BCE)                           
Diorite, 54.7 x 26 cm                                  
Sb 2 (6053)
#080207 3

Enemies caught in a net.Fragment of a victory stele from the acropolis of Su...

A woman drinking from a vase whilst                    
being made love from behind by a man.                  
Terracotta bas-relief (era of Isin-Larsa-Babylon)      
11.2 x 8 cm                                            
AO 16681

A woman drinking from a vase whilst being made love from beh...

Goddess Gula with her dog, Kudurru of Nazimarutash,    
from the temple of Marduk,Babylon.                     
Black limestone, 2nd half 14th BCE.                    
Kassite period.

Goddess Gula with her dog, Kudurru of Nazimarutash, from the temple of Mardu...

Parade of musicians, warriors, and animals.            
Fragment of a Kudurru - middle register.               
Yellow limestone (Kassite era, 12th BCE),              
from Babylon, Mesopotamia (Iraq)                       
Overall size: 54 x 36 cm - Sb 25

Parade of musicians, warriors, and animals. Fragment of a Kudurru -...

Idol with huge eyes.                                   
Alabaster statuette (35th-33th BCE)                    
from the Temple of the Eyes, Tell Braq                 
Height 8.1 cm
#080208 1

Idol with huge eyes. Alabaster statuette (35t...

Eye idol. White alabaster                              
statuette (3500-3300 BCE)                              
from the Temple of the Eyes, Tell Braq                 
Height 4.8 cm
#080208 2

Eye idol. White alabaster statuette (3500-3300 BCE...