560 photos
Hero fighting or holding two bisons (top of the stele).
Anzu, the lion-headed eagle with two ibex (bottom).    
Fragment of a relief panel with two registers          
Steatite (2645-2460 BCE)                               
from Mari, Syria

Hero fighting or holding two bisons (top of the stele). Anzu, the lion-headed ea...

Man tending to a small plant next to a palm tree.      
Staetite relief (fragment of a vessel)                 
Early dynastic period I (3200-2685 BCE)                
from the temple of Shamash at Mari, Syria              
20 cm2

Man tending to a small plant next to a palm tree. Staetite relief (fragmen...

Wig of a monumental figure.                            
Various materials, dark grey green stone               
Early dynastic period II, Akkade Period (2645-2415 BCE)
from Palace G, Ebla, Syria                             
Height 30.3 cm

Wig of a monumental figure. Various materials, dark...

Man carrying a sacrificial lamb (upper part of body)   
Steatite statuette                                     
Akkade dynasty (2460-2290 BCE)                         
from the Anonymous Temple, Mari, Syria                 
Height 23 cm

Man carrying a sacrificial lamb (upper part of body) Steatite statuette...

Head of a high official.                               
Fragment of a mural painting                           
Early old-Syrian era, Larsa Period (2040-1870 BCE)     
from the palace of Zimri-Lin, Mari, Syria              
Height 12.5 cm

Head of a high official. Fragment of a mural pain...

Priest guiding a sacrificial bull.                     
Part of a long cortege,                                
fragment of a mural painting                           
Early old-Syrian, Larsa Period (2040-1870 BCE)         
from the palace of Zimri-Lin, Mari, Syria

Priest guiding a sacrificial bull. Part of a long cortege,...

A house. Terracotta model                              
Early dynastic, Akkade period (2900-2290 BCE)          
from Salamiyya near Hama, Syria                        
54 x 27 x 42 cm

A house. Terracotta model Early dynastic, Akkade p...

Necklace, gold wire, lapis lazuli and other            
semi-precious stones, and a pendant with               
a nude goddess. See 08-02-08/26                        
Late Middle Syrian period,                             
from tomb 125, Mari (Tell Hariri), Syria

Necklace, gold wire, lapis lazuli and other semi-precious stones, an...

Monumental statue of a god.                            
Basalt, period of the Assyrian King                    
Tiglath Pileser III, from Hadatu                       
(Arslan-Tash), Northern Syria                          
Height 173 cm

Monumental statue of a god. Basalt, period of the As...

Head of an Assyrian god.                               
Middle Bronze, around 1600 BCE                         
from Djabbul, Mesopotamia                              
Basalte, H: 35 cm                                      
AO 10 831

Head of an Assyrian god. Middle Bronze, around 16...

Statue of a hero taming a lion.(Gilgamesch)?,Palace    
of Sargon II, King of Assur (722-705 BCE) in Khorsabad.
These colossal statues of genii protected the entrance 
to the throne room.                                    
H: 445 cm                   AO 19862

Statue of a hero taming a lion.(Gilgamesch)?,Palace of Sargon II, King of As...

Profiles of two high officials.                        
Fresco (Mid 8th BCE)                                   
From Achmar (Tel Barsib/Kaz Salmanassar)               
Height 40.5 cm

Profiles of two high officials. Fresco (Mid 8th BCE)...