Hero fighting or holding two bisons (top of the stele). Anzu, the lion-headed ea...
Man tending to a small plant next to a palm tree. Staetite relief (fragmen...
Wig of a monumental figure. Various materials, dark...
Man carrying a sacrificial lamb (upper part of body) Steatite statuette...
Head of a high official. Fragment of a mural pain...
Priest guiding a sacrificial bull. Part of a long cortege,...
A house. Terracotta model Early dynastic, Akkade p...
Necklace, gold wire, lapis lazuli and other semi-precious stones, an...
Monumental statue of a god. Basalt, period of the As...
Head of an Assyrian god. Middle Bronze, around 16...
Statue of a hero taming a lion.(Gilgamesch)?,Palace of Sargon II, King of As...
Profiles of two high officials. Fresco (Mid 8th BCE)...