Dedication tablet by Simat-Eshtar, wife of Rim-Sin, king of Larsa....
Imprint of a clay cylinder seal with three registers. Top and bottom: battles...
Fragment of a text concerning Sargon's accession to the throne...
"Curse upon Agade", a text recounting the ruin of the capital, cursed by the g...
Left: bull with human head. Period of king Gudea, 2140 BCE, from Tello. Ch...
Bull with human head, period of king Gudea, around 2140 BCE. Blue-bl...
Figurine of a god mounted on a chariot. His crown is in the shape of a coi...
Stele of the Vultures; fragments of a stele celebrating the victory of Eannatum,...
Ishtar, goddess of love, standing on her iconographic animal, the lion. She carr...
King-priests in ritual nudity. Proto-urban period, 4th...
Stele of the Vultures:King Eannatum, with wig-like helmet,leads his army on...
Stele of the Vultures:King Eannatum, with wig-like helmet,leads his army on...