560 photos
Dedication tablet by Simat-Eshtar, wife of             
Rim-Sin, king of Larsa. Cuneiform writing.             
From Larsa.                                            
Bronze, H: 11,5 cm                                     
AO 17599

Dedication tablet by Simat-Eshtar, wife of Rim-Sin, king of Larsa....

Imprint of a clay cylinder seal with three registers.  
Top and bottom: battles between heroes and animals.    
Center: six heroes and a tree.Inscription:"Barnantarra,
wife of Lugalanda".From Tello,Mesopotamia,period of    
Archaic dynasties.   Clay, 6 x 8 cm      AO 13222

Imprint of a clay cylinder seal with three registers. Top and bottom: battles...

Fragment of a text concerning Sargon's                 
accession to the throne against Lugalzagesi.           
First Babylonian dynasty (1894-1595)                   
AO 7673

Fragment of a text concerning Sargon's accession to the throne...

"Curse upon Agade", a text recounting the ruin of the  
capital, cursed by the gods when king Naram-Sin        
destroyed the temple of Enlil in Nippur.               
Clay tablet, 12,6 x 6 cm                               
AO 6890

"Curse upon Agade", a text recounting the ruin of the capital, cursed by the g...

Left: bull with human head. Period of king Gudea,      
2140 BCE, from Tello. Chlorite, H:12,1 cm, L:14,9 cm   
AO 2752            See also: 08-02-10/25               
Right: bull with human head, period of king Gudea,     
around 2140 BCE. Steatite,    AO 3146

Left: bull with human head. Period of king Gudea, 2140 BCE, from Tello. Ch...

Bull with human head, period of king Gudea,            
around 2140 BCE. Blue-black steatite.                  
AO 3146                                                
See also: 08-02-13/52 (right)

Bull with human head, period of king Gudea, around 2140 BCE. Blue-bl...

Figurine of a god mounted on a chariot. His crown      
is in the shape of a coiled snake. From Susa,Iran.     
Copper, H: 15,7 cm                                     
Sb 2824

Figurine of a god mounted on a chariot. His crown is in the shape of a coi...

Stele of the Vultures; fragments of a stele celebrating
the victory of Eannatum, King of Lagash, over the town 
of Umma. Marching warriors. See also 08-02-04/2-9.     
Around 2450 BCE. Limestone, original size 180 x 130 cm 
AO 50, 2346-2348

Stele of the Vultures; fragments of a stele celebrating the victory of Eannatum,...

Ishtar, goddess of love, standing on her iconographic
animal, the lion. She carries bow and arrows. The
sun-disk on her tiara is the emblem of love. 8th BCE
Limestone, H: 122 cm
AO 11503

Ishtar, goddess of love, standing on her iconographic animal, the lion. She carr...

King-priests in ritual nudity.                         
Proto-urban period, 4th mill.BCE                       
Limestone, H: 25 cm, 24 cm                             
AO 5718, 5719

King-priests in ritual nudity. Proto-urban period, 4th...

Stele of the Vultures:King Eannatum, with wig-like     
helmet,leads his army on foot into the battle against  
the town of Umma. At their feet the bodies of slain    
enemies. Around 2450 BCE.See 08-02-04/2-9,08-02-14/36. 
Overall size 180 x 130 cm - AO 20, AO 2346-2348

Stele of the Vultures:King Eannatum, with wig-like helmet,leads his army on...

Stele of the Vultures:King Eannatum, with wig-like     
helmet,leads his army on foot into the battle against  
the town of Umma. At their feet the bodies of slain    
enemies. Around 2450 BCE.See 08-02-04/2-9,08-02-14/36. 
Overall size 180 x 130 cm - AO 20, AO 2346-2348

Stele of the Vultures:King Eannatum, with wig-like helmet,leads his army on...