#030601 2
Bimaran Reliquary, from stupa 2 at Bimaran, Gandhara (Afghanistan). The inscrip...
Bronze figure of Maitreya, excavated near the Helmand river, Afghanistan, 10th C...
#030701 1
Three orants,Baktrian,Afghanistan. End 3rd,beginning 2nd Mi...
#030701 2
Ceremonial adze,from Baktria,Northern Afghanistan; end 3rd,beginning 2nd Mi...
#030701 3
Ceremonial hammer from Daulatabad near Balkh, Baktria,northern Afghani...
#030701 4
Cosmetics palette from Gandhara,Pakistan; a man riding a seahorse....
#030701 5
Ceremonial axe from Daulatabad,Baktria,northern Afghanistan,showing a gr...
#030701 6
Ceremonial axe from Daulatabad,Baktria,northern Afghanistan,showing a gr...
#030701 7
Archer from the Afghan-Pakistani border between Kandahar and Quetta,earl...
Funerary statue from Kafiristan,Afghanistan Pinewood,100 x 25 x 17 c...
Funerary statue from Kafiristan,Afghanistan Pinewood,130 x 37 x 30 c...
High-spouted brass ewer, Herat, Afghanistan, c1180-c1200. The inlaid decoration...