Back wall of the Tomb of the Lionesses, Tarquinia, Italy; around 530-520 BCE. B...
Tomb of the Lionesses, Tarquinia, Italy; around 530-520 BCE. Depiction of two da...
Back wall of the Tomb of Hunting and Fishing, Tarquinia, Italy; around 530-520 B...
Tomb of the Augurs, Tarquinia, Italy; around 530-520 BCE. Detail of a priest wi...
Bronze krater handles with figures of the Dioscuri. From Trebbia valley, Italy;...
Gold tablet with inscription in Etruscan; 6th century BCE.
Bronze krater handle with figures of Etruscan Gods (Tinia - god of the skies, Ai...
Animal merchant. Detail of the middle zone of the embossed and engraved sheet-b...
Bronze leaf depicting woman in sacred ceremonial dress. From Este, Italy; 6th c...
Terracotta ossuary. From Este, Italy; 8th century BCE.
Etruscan necropolis near Cerveteri, 7th - 1st BCE. Some of the circular tombs ar...
Etruscan necropolis near Cerveteri, 7th - 1st BCE. Some of the circular tombs ar...