Offerings in decorative gold vases. Thebes, tomb of Saebkhot...
A Nubian drummer carrying his instrument with raised arms.Tomb of...
Butchers and bearers of offerings. Thebes, from the tomb of...
Two royal favourites with sistra. Thebes, tomb of Mennah,...
Foreigners kneel before the royal throne. Thebes, tomb of an unkno...
Syrians grovelling at the feet of Amenophis III. Thebes, tomb of an unkno...
Wailing women crossing the Nile in a funerary boat. Thebes, tomb of Nebanon...
Detail: hunting fowl in the marshes. Period of Tuthmosis IV o...
Nubians carrying offerings. Thebes, tomb of Huy, vic...
Nubians carrying offerings, among them a giraffe. Thebes, tomb of Huy, vic...
The high-priest Userhet offering a fowl. Thebes, tomb of Userhet,...
Kenro and his wife in their garden. Thebes, tomb of Neferron...