213 photos
Notre Dame de Paris;the right-hand portal,portal       
of Sainte Anne, detail.Lower register:Saints Anne and  
Joachim.Center:Life of the Virgin                      
Saint Anne July 26th

Notre Dame de Paris;the right-hand portal,portal of Sainte Anne, detail....

Notre Dame de Paris;the central portal,the portal      
of the Last Judgement.Lower register:resurrection;     
center:weighing of souls,the damned are led away;      
top:Christ Judge;the Virgin and St.John Apostle inter- 
cede for mankind.

Notre Dame de Paris;the central portal,the portal of the Last Judgement.Lo...

Notre Dame de Paris;the right-hand portal,portal       
of Sainte Anne.Lower register:Saints Anne and Joachim. 
Center:Life of the Virgin;tympanon:a Romanesque Virgin 
enthroned,dating from before the construction of the   
portal,King Louis VII and bishop Sully kneel r. and l. 

Saint's day: 26 July

Notre Dame de Paris;the right-hand portal,portal of Sainte Anne.Lower re...

Rose window of the South transept:The Wise and the     
Foolish Virgins;martyrs;confessors;apostles            
surrounding Christ.

Rose window of the South transept:The Wise and the Foolish Virgins;martyrs;...

Pont Alexandre III - the bridge named after the Russian
Czar Alexander III, across the Seine river in Paris.
#230305 2

Pont Alexandre III - the bridge named after the Russian Czar Alexander III, acr...

A street lamp of the Pont Alexandre III, behind it the
Eiffel Tower, built for the Paris World Exhibition in 1889 by
Gustave Eiffel.
#230305 4

A street lamp of the Pont Alexandre III, behind it the Eiffel Tower, built for...

In strange contrast to the Abbey of St. Wandrille, a clssicist
portal in the wall of the parish.
#230305 8

In strange contrast to the Abbey of St. Wandrille, a clssicist portal in the wa...

The bridge of Tancarville, on the left border of the Seine river, spans 1.400 meters and was the first major construction immedietely after World War II.

The bridge of Tancarville, on the left border of the Seine river, spans 1.400 me...

Lines of trees protect the flat lands of Ceaux, Normandy, from the west winds blowing from the Atlantic.

Lines of trees protect the flat lands of Ceaux, Normandy, from the west winds bl...

"Marais salants", basins where salt is recovered from the sea. In the background the churchtower of Batz sur mer, Brittany.

"Marais salants", basins where salt is recovered from the sea. In the background...

Perched on a 100 m-high basalt rock, the 14th century dungeon is all that remains of the castle of Polignac in the

Perched on a 100 m-high basalt rock, the 14th century dungeon is all that remain...

The Abbey of Conques was destroyed by the Sarrazins and
rebuilt by King Louis le Debonnaire in the 12th century.
It became a place of pilgrimage because of the relics of
Saint Foy which were deposed there.

The Abbey of Conques was destroyed by the Sarrazins and rebuilt by King Louis l...