2,522 photos
Temple of Vesta, keeper of the eternal fire. The High- 
Priestess was always accompanied by a college of       
Vestalian virgins. Because of the eternal fire, the    
temple burnt down six times and was restored for the   
last time in 191 CE by the wife of Septimus Severus.
#010301 6

Temple of Vesta, keeper of the eternal fire. The High- Priestess was always acc...

Temple of the Dioscuri on the Forum in Rome.           
Only three columns remain. Erected 484 BCE in          
memory of the aid of the Dioscuri Castor and           
Pollux, twin sons of Zeus, in Rome's battle            
against Latins and Tarquinians in 496 BCE.
#010301 7

Temple of the Dioscuri on the Forum in Rome. Only three columns remai...

Lacus Juturnae on the Forum in Rome, spring            
of the goddess Juturna where Castor and                
Pollux watered their horses after the battle           
of Lake Regillus against Latins and Tarquinians        
in 496 BCE.
#010301 8

Lacus Juturnae on the Forum in Rome, spring of the goddess Juturna w...

Arch of Titus on the Forum in Rome, erected by         
Emperor Domitian (51-96) in 81 CE in memory of         
the conquest of Jerusalem in 70 CE by Emperor          
Vespasian (9-79 CE) and his son Titus (39-81 CE).
#010301 9

Arch of Titus on the Forum in Rome, erected by Emperor Domitian (51-96)...

A narrow street in Pompeii,with Vesuvius in the        

A narrow street in Pompeii,with Vesuvius in the background.

The Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheatre in               
Rome, built by the Emperors Vespasian and              
Titus between 72 and 80 CE.

The Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheatre in Rome, built by the Emper...

The Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheatre in               
Rome, built by the Emperors Vespasian and              
Titus between 72 and 80 CE.

The Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheatre in Rome, built by the Emper...

The Pantheon in Rome, erected in 17 BCE by
the Roman general Marcus Agrippa (64-12 CE).
It was destroyed by fire in 80 CE and rebuilt
under Emperor Hadrian (76-138 CE) in 110 CE.

The Pantheon in Rome, erected in 17 BCE by the Roman general Marcus Agrippa (64-...

Round temple of Vesta on the banks of the              
Tiber, originally dedicated to Portumnus,              
a river god, or to Sol, the sun. Classic               
style of the Augustean era, Rome, Italy.

Round temple of Vesta on the banks of the Tiber, originally dedica...

Round temple of Vesta on the banks of the              
Tiber, originally dedicated to Portumnus,              
a river god, or to Sol, the sun. View through          
the columns. Classic style of the Augustean            
era, Rome, Italy.

Round temple of Vesta on the banks of the Tiber, originally dedica...

Tomb of Scipio Hispanus (Africanus Minor, 185-129 BCE) 
on the Via Appia Antiqua in Rome.

Tomb of Scipio Hispanus (Africanus Minor, 185-129 BCE) on the Via Appia Antiqua...

Pharaoh Sesostris III (1878-1840 BCE) in old age.      
Found in the temple at Medamud.
Black diorite,H:80 cm

Pharaoh Sesostris III (1878-1840 BCE) in old age. Found in the temple at...