Censer, upper part of a vessel in which fragrant resin was burnt. The incense i...
Censer, the vessel for the fragrant resin hidden behind the large headgear of th...
Censer, in the form of a corpulent dignitary; from tomb 22, Uaxactun, El Pe...
Top of a censer, figure of a dignitary, probably ruler of Copan, Honduras. The...
Top of a censer from the same tomb site as 12-01-03/43. One of 11 censer figures...
Head of a prince, part of a more than life-size statue, from the roof of the "Te...
Ceremonial adze, representing the Olmec "God I" with his typical flaming...
Olmec pectoral. The face shows the full-lipped mouth with drawn-down corners...
Olmec stone mask, so-called "Raphael Mask". The pierced forehead and...
Greenstone mask of the Aztec god Xipe Totec, the "Flayed God".The mask, w...
Portrait mask of the Sun God from the Sun Temple at Palenque, Mexico. The ma...
Portrait of an old man, his face a grimace of pain, with sunken eyes and bad...